Indigo Komiwonuhke Poirier

Wow a mashup of two of my all-time favourite games? Take my money plz

wow I've never cried for an entire hour until watching this

This was an excellent read... imo gamers (white cis male ones I mean) are the worst part of video games. I always feel like I have to apologize when I say I like video games, like “Yeah I play a lot of video games- but I’m not like a GAMER gamer, you know? Like I’ve never harassed a girl for saying she wanted to play

I’m on vacation (unpaid but still nice) for the next week and a half so I’m finally gonna try to put in the time to beat Sekiro. I feel like if I don’t do it now who knows how long it’ll be before I have the free time it’s gonna take to Git Gud again lol

omg ilu <3 Thank you for doing this, it sounds terrifying but I think you did the right thing

Definitely Earthbound. I’d say that soundtrack is one of the biggest influences on my own work- in terms of how it liberally pulls from so many different genres and styles but always sounds recognizably like itself. I love its willingness to go into territories that are downright unpleasant to listen to when the

I’m kinda wondering if the number of fascist alternate realities is a result of Evil Morty gaining power in the last season? The way this show works I feel like it could either be a throwaway joke OR it could turn out to be part of a larger arc and I’d be fine either way haha

I was surprised she trusted Looking Glass with the pills tbh, if the chief of police was that close a friend to me and turned out to have a KKK costume in his closet I’d probably be paranoid about all my other police friends too... I’m kind of just a paranoid person though and he seemed trustworthy when she talked to

I have no idea where this is going but... I’m kind of hoping that he both A) sees the consequences of his actions in the first five seasons (which this episode indicates is coming) and B) still remains committed to being a better person and staying sober despite that, even if he winds up in jail or losing everything.

I laughed so hard at the sight gag of Mikayla leaving mosquito bites on that guy’s face and then scratching it for him lmaooo

This always kinda rubs me the wrong way because I’m bisexual and I’m definitely attracted to men, women, and non-binary people. I have heard from pansexual people who say they ID that way because bisexuality implies two but literally not a single bisexual person I’ve ever met, including myself, subscribes to that

Or maybe you just have different tastes? Doesn’t make you or anybody else an idiot for disagreeing on a movie :)

I kinda get the sense they didn’t bother to actually get any trans people’s opinion on their world’s depiction of trans people and how to best communicate those themes to the public before going ahead with this, I feel like if they’d asked one of us we probably could’ve said like “Yeah I like the theme you’re going

Good question! Maybe different colour Yoshis? idk

Like this comment if you’d peg this version of Cloud

I liked Secret of Evermore a lot from what I played. Still haven’t finished it though.

I liked Zelda II a lot, although I found it way too hard and wasn’t able to beat it. The shield mechanic/ducking and standing at the right time to block attacks was really engaging. I wish they’d make another version of it cuz I feel like it had potential.

a shamelessly trashy B-movie in elevated horror drag” about two possibly lesbian classical musicians sounds like my dream movie actually

I mean yeah I kind of assumed if they were gonna put it in they’d have u playing as Yoshi or Wario lol

Yoshi’s Island or SMB2 would be pretty dope.