
They actually were, very hardcore in the 80s and 90s. There’s a scene in ‘Lethal Weapon 2' where there’s an Anti-NRA poster on the wall of the police station where Murtaugh and Riggs were talking. I forget the exact timecode but I think it’s around the 18-20 minute mark?

Cram your dismembered corpse pieces into a Civil War era cannon and fire it at their front door.

This is the real Toxic Gaming Culture™ that people need to be discussing - piss poor hygiene. From ‘Magic: The Gathering’ tournaments to D&D nights at the comic store, we all know that ONE GUY that has a stink that will peel paint off walls.

Donated. $5 better spent than whatever crap I would normally buy.

Yeah but Michael stays on that colorism horseshit. He’s not picking up that line because it would be off-brand.

Only thing I can figure he meant, from looking at the spec sheets, is he was referring to earlier generations only doing 60fps at 720p.

On the other hand, you can’t help but factor in politics (and world leaders and their actions/reactions to peer states) when you’re talking national defense.

[Insert Navy Seal copypasta]


They’re not using standard transceivers to hear Voyager. This far out, they’re using radio telescopes to pick up its signal.

Now playing

Vanadium redox batteries are absolute garbage for basically any moving vehicle. In order for the vanadium salt to stay in solution, the electrolyte has to be maintained in a relatively narrow temperature range. Never mind the two tanks of electrolyte to chug around.

I thought you were talking about tasting wine, where my joke was headed. Tasting out of the bottle or box works for me!

Tasting “glass”?

Right? I mean why WOULDN’T a journalist just say “Dave Smith, who is a systems analyst with the NSA who works from 8am to 6.30p and lives at 123 Alberta in Maryland, showed us the exact tools and steps he used to find the information as outlined below. But please, any other state actors that may have nefarious intent,

I’m disinclined to believe Bloomberg’s story for a number of reasons.

I genuinely can’t comprehend how the collective black community hasn’t cancelled Kanye and R. Kelly. We can get it together for everything else, but we can’t just turn off/tune out these chucklefucks?

“You guys” is a regional address to a group of people, usually northeastern region of the country. It’s another form of “y’all”.

Me: “Calm your tits”

Or the two diamond mines in Russia, or a lignite mine, or an iron mine out in the Midwest U.S., or...