
We’re already there, have been for a few years.

I think it’s like how a lot of Millennials (read: Adults under 40) love Golden Girls. When you think about it, Golden Girls was booming at the same time we were all in Middle school or Jr High.

The “Blessed are the peacemakers” one is especially stupid. That’s a quote from Matthew 5:9, plucked out of context.

beliefs aren’t facts people!

This entire goddamn corrupt Ayn Rand Late Stage Cronyism Bullshit is so goddamn appalling.

It/they are gone now, but for about a week every month or so one of two articles will be either in the side banner or in the top highlight banner.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

I’ll tell you what the Air Force can do: ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT. Musk isn’t subject to the jurisdiction of the UCMJ or any Air Force disciplinary measures.

Nooo! Don’t do Tom like that!

There’s obviously a popular vote, but does it require a confirmation hearing by the n-word Supreme Court? I know Clarence Thomas is the Chief Justice, but who else is on there besides Omarosa, Candice Owens, Ben Carson and Kanye West?

So, I’ll ask it:

Yep, it’s “just” a twin turbo LSX with a flat plane crank. Off the shelf wastegates and turbos, and some great welds.

I don’t think (most) liberal people are cheering his death. It’s more of a “(shrug) Well, don’t let the casket door smack you in the head.”

People hold their phones like that because they watch people on reality TV shows hold their phone like that - not realizing they’re only on speakerphone in the first place for the benefit of the viewing audience to listen to both sides of the exchange.

Her - “Don’t call me ma’am!”

I don’t know, it’s literally the phrase my wife uses to describe BBT and we’re black and we go to Comic-Con yearly. I guess you could tone it down by calling it “Nerd Minstrel” but the connotation is the same - actors over-emphasizing features about people or cultures for the entertainment of others.

I genuinely can’t wait to get mine. I’ve already tried out the ICE Kona and it fits my space needs perfectly, but the “fueling” at home is going to be great.

So your problem is with the format and not the content? No discussion about the NIH studies or any other reference information?