
The people in the “As seen on TV commercials”, that’s who.

Kurt Cobain (and a LOT of other people) respectfully disagree.

My mistake - Blew out the threads on a belt tensioner on my Mk4 Jetta.

They should do a old-timey, sepia-toned silent film with Black Bolt and comic canon Hawkeye.

“[Sent via my Marconi Wireless]”

I tweeted this exact same thing to Musk a week after he said this.

Blast! Millennials! What with your hoop and sticks and ball-in-cups and eating goldfish...

Always seems like GOP version of “states rights” is so anti-human.

Thanks! :D

Pulled over for my completely factory exhaust on my MkIV R32.

I recognize that diluted piss color anywhere - That’s Natural Light beer (colloquially known as Natty Light).

Sit, stand, kneel, downward-facing dog, or criss-cross applesauce, I don’t give a shit; it’s your First Amendment right to do any of them.

I was like “how the fuck do they have $2 BILLION in debt??”

Who the fuck makes “rough drafts” to post shit on 4chan?

My entire circle of tech friends all have either a Pixel or Pixel 2. The guaranteed monthly updates, the clean interface, zero bloatware, flagship specs... They’re pricey when comparing them to carrier subsidized phones (which carriers don’t even do anymore really), but over the long run the usability of the phone

Every benchmark I’ve run across pitting Intel Optane vs a Samsung 960 Pro (which is what its real competition is), the Intel drive significantly loses on all fronts including $/GB.

Yeah because accidents, flat tires, kids, power outages, and just life in general don’t ever fuck with time tables, right? Ever.

It’s called a fucking example. Like, freshman high school level analytic thinking.

66 in a 55 isn’t ‘Mad Max’ territory, but still carries the same penalty as not stopping for a school bus unloading children? OK. And according to that list Reckless Driving can be applied subjectively. You run into an asshole cop that gets you doing 12 over and hits you with a reckless, then that’s 9 points.

You’re an asshole.