
When I was 22 y/o, I was in a place in my life that I had to choose between food or car insurance - I couldn’t do both. Health insurance was a laughable fantasy. After all other bills that I absolutely had to pay were paid first (car pymt, rent, utilities, etc.) I had $29.54 to work with every payday.

Exactly. I really don’t buy this whole “We can’t figure it out, it’s too complex!” position of NCAA. It’s like “YOU MF’ERS LITERALLY HAVE SCHOOLS OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS THAT TEACH THIS STUFF!”

Uber is the Mechanical Turk of autonomous cars.

How Do You Hear Without ‘Ears’?


This “first responder” better attend church this Sunday, because this motherfucker not getting powerbombed into the planet’s core is nothing short of divine intervention at work.

The only people I see really concerned or offended by the definition are:

And the end credits scene? We find out the entire 10 year MCU was a Tide ad.

No ‘Binging with Babish’?

Both range estimates are based on the new Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), whose range estimates are much closer to those from the EPA than those from the previous New European Drive Cycle (NEDC), notorious for very optimistic range results.

Problem is the regular Kona needs the grill to cool its ICE engine, the EV version doesn’t.

My Mk4 VR6 Jetta that I daily usually gets 260 miles to the tank over two weeks of commuting and random errands. It’s a great exhaust note and gets decent power, but I got the slushbox for traffic. I really like the car, both for its amenities and as a VW enthusiast, but...

...And nothing of value was lost

So she’s Logan Paul with tits? And this is something to be applauded, because... “patriarchy and empowerment?”

Was fixed in an update in January. 8.0 had an older Bluetooth stack, was causing problems trying to connect to a pulse oximeter I bought for my wife (she has an XL, I have the X, neither worked).

My literal reaction to seeing this headline:

To be clear, $5,000 is literally the price of an Eames chair. And they’re saying that’s not “enough.”

...envelope-shaped Caucasian cakes...

I did this at an event. Not the fist end, the grabbing the fist. I was that guy. I was nervous AF having just stepped down from speaking publicly and everyone else was extending hands to shake. The one other black person there stuck their congratulatory fist out and I was acting on muscle memory. It felt (and still