
I’m not reading the context based on ‘Babedotnet’s synopsis, I’m directly reading the text message who is IMO the only source that’s worthy of quoting - anything else has added their own subtext or interpretation after the fact. Whoever “Grace” is didn’t indicate anything verbal AT ALL in the message, which is what

“I used several non-verbal queues”???

Oh I’m familiar with how EU countries can be, plenty of travel and my grandmother is from there. You just don’t see a large majority of the population of those countries intentionally subverting or sabotaging the economic or infrastructure development of their own country just to screw over “The Others.”

Use the Rabbit wine aerator on every bottle of red (or really dry whites) that you open. Makes a noticeable and pleasant difference.

Honestly I’ve started questioning the move myself. I can handle the mild to moderate racism of most European countries. That shit is like playing the dozens compared to the top-shelf, triple distilled bigotry here in the U.S.

Two flutes of champagne seems like “a lot” to you? Hell, even if it was a rum & coke that’s nursing the same ice-laden tumbler for 30 minutes a piece.

I knew the name and her music, I’ve just never bothered to look up what she looks like. I might have to reverse my previous judgement on her.

Wow. Who is THAT???

A decade ago I actually got a Square reader for this exact reason. One Friday per month, our group would go out to eat and we would regularly have 20-30 people. I and the other guy that would organize the events got sick of the group’s inability to get their shit together. Invariably there was someone that always

Honesetly? We need the Connors to be Trump supporters. We need them to be indicative of what middle America was and is, and Lanford, Illinois is exactly the type of place that would be in a county chock full of Trump supporters. People that view themselves as hard working, wrench swinging, honest good working people

Honesetly? We need the Connors to be Trump supporters. We need them to be indicative of what middle America was and is, and Lanford, Illinois is exactly the type of place that would be in a county chock full of Trump supporters. People that view themselves as hard working, wrench swinging, honest good working people

Of course, SEC rules state that the company has to release all relevant information to everyone all at the same time. So it could just be nothing.

This is the only combination of words in the english language that the use of “moist” has ever bothered me.

I make about $55k/yr USD at the company I work at.

...And people not being able to understand the difference is why I left the church.

Fucking double-posting kinja bullshit... And OF COURSE now I can’t edit or delete it.

James Woods wouldn’t have been subtle. He’s enough of a egotistical asshole to have screamed the “warning” from the rooftops live via satellite on Fox & Friends

James Woods wouldn’t have been subtle. He’s enough of a egotistical asshole to have screamed the “warning” from the rooftops live via satellite on Fox & Friends

This should be top comment, if not 2nd from top. Every damn election they have that shit on the radio for “urban” stations.

Total mass of beef, bacon, and cheese were identical +/- 1%, unless you’re counting the marginal extra bread that comes with the Single.