

That’s what I was going to say - just stand on the side where the sink is. The author is either attempting to be funny or has very rigid spatial orientation mechanics.

It looks like a “luxury package” version of an airport TUG.

and comes with a CVT

‘Ecco The Dolphin’ but... with Aquaman.

I read Gabby’s statement as:
“Maybe, ladies, that when you are picking up your kids from daycare it’s maybe not necessary to have your titties out. MAYBE everyday isn’t ‘dress for the club day’ and that you can still celebrate femininity and girl power and all that without having to turn everything up to 11?”

Came here for the ‘Preacher’ reference, leaving satisfied.

Huh? (seriously curious)

*speaker crackle*

mIxInG uPpErCaSe AnD lOwErCaSe LeTtErS iS a SiGn oF eMoTiOnAl iNtElLiGeNcE.

Cross-forum COTD right here

Saying Gawker deserves credit for having its finger on pulse of breaking news is like saying the National Enquirer is the bastion of journalism because they broke the John Edwards mistress story.

It’s like if every representation of British people and culture was devoid of any nuance, and only imagined as Hugh Laurie’s character from ‘Blackadder’

With so much bigot bullshit going on of me just “walking down the fucking street on a Tuesday” that I got to deal with, and you have to make shit up?????


Now playing

Cockwaffle: “I murdered people at a church”

It’s unknown why Boucher, an anesthesiologist, was motivated to attack Paul, though some have speculated that his liberal views may have potentially played a part.

@Chris Kluwe

Hitting a box turtle going even 150 would fuck up your day quick, fast, and in a hurry. Hitting one at 270 is a game ender.