
Do tell...

I hope during this Christmas season they put the blackest, darkest, tallest black actor in a Santa suit to be on the Today show without consulting her. Like, 11:59PM kinda dark. Put Djimon Hounsou in there, or Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje.

I’ve always thought that using gas powered vehicles to deliver mail was a huge waste.

I thought Sheila’s line about the “itchy butt joke” was a clear allusion to the comedy world’s “scandal” a few years ago Jesus Tapdancin’ Christ, 2007, between Dane Cook and Louis CK. Louis accused Dane of stealing his itchy asshole joke (I know, right?), but they finally made amends when Dane guest starred in the FX


We literally just had this happen in Virginia Beach. We lost the vote on light rail because our City Treasurer (that’s been in office FORTY years) successfully pulled this shit. There’s a guy here running against him, the first time someone’s ran against the treasurer since 1997, hope he unseats him.

You use a VPN?

You can’t criticize a budget phone for using budget parts - that’s the entire point. This is literally a case of “you get what you pay for.” If all you want to do is have a device for a 10 year old or 80 year old to make/receive calls/sms and check the internet for pancake recipes, then this is a great phone. If it

Coming from someone that not only owns but builds his own firearms, your argument is moot. Politicians aren’t going to draft the legislation, lawyers and clerks and industry will - just like they always do. Using colloquial terms when discussing legislation isn’t a crime, otherwise Jim “I brought a snowball into

Look, even Sean Hannity called it a fucking clip. Nobody gives a shit about you donning your Captain Pedantic cape when people are dying and at least someone (including the fucking NRA of all groups) is down to try something to fix the issue at hand.

What site do you use? They pulled the links from the Reddit F1 thread

You’re talking about empathy, or lack of it.

I live in Hampton Roads, so I can attest to the HRBT and the Chesapeake bridge/tunnel being tiled in white. It’s to combat the “Wiley E. Coyote” effect of people slamming on their brakes when they come to the tunnel mouth. The white tile is not only a great reflector for light, but also cleans easier (especially with


+1 pair of goggles

It’s not like she was a small Season 1 character only, either. To put it another way she was on the show for 40% of the entire run of the show, 50% if you don’t include the last season because... that last season was not great. They put Waldo Faldo on the cover and he was 1) not even part of the family and 2) on for

You’re out of your mind! My 32X worked perfectly with that system too! :D

This is the disconnect I don’t understand. Don’t these different Kinja properties all talk to each other on Slack?

We talking about my dad or this lady?

Originally born in Iowa, lives in TX now (and has basically forever.) He’s a real midwest kind of person, just woke AF too.