
Happened to me, though I didn’t go to college at 12. Slept through high school physics classes while working near full time hours pulling A’s and B+’s . Move out during my senior year, graduate a semester early, then...

Except nobody was driving a rotary telephone down the road at highway speeds, cheesedick.

Simple: Indoctrination. I know that word is used a lot by the Right regarding controversial things like dinosaurs and the laws of physics, but that’s really what it is.

That’s what happens when you put flags and the anthem in everything up to and including T-ball games.

Megan Rapinoe of U.S. Women’s soccer was kneeling in September of 2016.

[Laughs in Light Skinned]

Hard science like this gets my nipples erect. Keep up the good work!

State your evidence, please.

Hey Terrell, did you stop writing for Foxtrot Alpha? I hadn’t seen anything written by you over there in a while, I didn’t realise you were back from dealing with “the stuff.”

@HamNo - Who or what do you see as being the savior of boxing, to turn it around and make it the venue it was during the age of Tyson? Do you see a Dana White emerging and “buying” boxing (can you even do that?) and fixing everything wrong with the franchise?

It’s kind of a “thing”, whereas you can link your Spotify account to your Uber account, and if the driver has his phone hooked up it’ll stream your music.

I was looking for Woll Smoth. You delivered


I legit thought he was going to go missing a kidney from that Blacked scene. That just... doesn’t happen. We wish it would happen, but doesn’t happen.

From my perspective, she was doing it to try and be a wing(woman) and supportive. I don’t think she was coming from a place of animus or trying to get free food; she saw dude struggling and offered assistance.

Legit question - In your worldview does that work if the sexes are reversed?

People don’t seem to understand when to correctly use “bigot” vs. “racist.”

People also don’t seem to understand when to correctly use “bigot” vs. “racist.”

I didn’t even fucking click! These goddamn auto-loading articles are cancer.

Yeah, fuck that noise. I definitely poop at work, it’s my 3rd 15 (er, 20...) minute break.