
Oh wow, I haven’t been to Columbus in almost a decade. I lived there for about 7 or 8 years in the 2000s. I remember going to City Center with my roommate in college in like 1999. It was a pretty sad place! Looks much better now.

haha... having moved to Halifax several months ago from Vancouver, it feels way more like a town than a city than I imagined. (why no, I hadn’t even visited Halifax before we packed up the car and drove across Canada! (we tried to go through the states, but my husband is British and not yet a Canadian PR, and I have

omg, I’m so sorry, I never saw this before. I’m unpracticed in the art of being starred. I totally did not share this before, but the short of it is they worked it out, possibly with therapy, and things are cool when he comes to visit.

omg, the casino episode! with the A Tribe Called Red remix, that part was amazing!

a puss take????

My mom calls it “Dullards”

Yeah, I agree. I wasn’t thinking clearly when I read this last night (also was inebriated), but today, it is totally clear to me how different this situation is.

Yeah, that is true. I think if both parties were of sounder mind, this would not have happened. I think the parent has the responsibility to not allow this to occur.

Yeah, I agree that this situation is totally wrong, and the mother is the responsible party who needs to stop it. I feel really bad for this young man. :(

I don’t consider my aunt or my cousin to be “unwell”. However, they didn’t act on these feelings. Of course, my cousin was well into adulthood (late 30s, I think?) when they reconnected.

Okay, so I think this is pretty gross, but I wonder what do people think if the child is older? I’ve noticed some comments about how it’s messed up because this guy is only 19, and I definitely agree, but I have my own anecdote to share.

hahahaha! Bethnal Green is where my bf and I stayed through AirBnB when I visited him this past January (as he was living with his parents in a small village south of London). Sure, the last-minute flat was chilly and damp and just a bit shit, but we were 5 mins from the Tube and the neighbourhood was perfectly nice!

I would just like to point out that this article seems to be referring to, or at least focused on, the granola bars, not the (original?) fruit and nut bars, which are really delicious! I haven’t tried the granola bars, and I don’t want to. At least, the picture is of the granola bars, not the tasty fruit and nut bars.

Hey, here on the southwest coast, weather is awesommmmmmme! just can’t afford to live here if I want to start a family :p

it’s a lot more expensive though :( Houses with land in NS are soooo cheap. I would love to stay in BC and move to the Island, but I want a little bit of land. You can get a big house with some land near a town for under $200k in NS

I met my boyfriend on OKC, as well as few really great guys, but then I live in a city (Vancouver). I’m 37 (but I totally just wrote 36, I am stuck on 36), but I still have a lot of decent high matches. I know it’s a lot harder outside of big cities, though!

I’m probably too late to the sad party, oh well :(

It's sunny today! Yay. :D a brief respite...

you most certainly aren’t! his bangability quotient is quite highly regarded here in the great white north (great wet north for me, here in Vancouver)

shit, I tried to measure mine, but my tape was only 6’ long :(