
No, I knew her mom was the awesome voiced Minnie Ripperton who died much too soon.

I did not like how they did this at all. First, when Dre talked about why Black people tend to be Christian and talked about slavery, not once did he mention that the religion was initially FORCED upon enslaved Africans. He implied that they chose it to give themselves hope. Second, I hate that being atheist was

I am pretty glad it was brought up. More so because, us blacks are often generalized into one group who think alike. That said voting 99% for Obama might be confirming this, but in general, we are quite different.

Can we talk common sense for one second? Anyone who’s been breathing on this planet for long enough to be outside alone knows that when someone else is in distress, you can’t dominate them into calm. That’s just not how distressed brains work. If you show up, in uniform, driving fast, with lights and loud noises,

Oh my god. Oh my FUCKING god. OH MY FUCKING GOD.

I asked you why you were here. Pretty simple fucking question.

The thing that gets me about shooting where a person may be mentally ill or going through some mental duress is that people asks why said person was not listening to police or complying. I would think possible mental problems might inhibit a persons inability to follow orders. That should not be grounds for getting

Whatever happened to shooting to immobilize? Kneecaps? Stomach? Foot? Shoulder? Something!

Just a reminder, San Diego is the place that took down a white guy waving a gun around Mission Beach without violence. Granted, SDPD is miles above El Cajon PD, but do we really think it would have been different had they been involved? Do better San Diego County.

White hair, duh.

Yeah. It actually does feel retaliatory. My racist piece of shit aunt whose son-in-law is a cop always goes on about how she’s against black people because they are against police. Apparently black people as a whole need to be punished according to her, and you know she’s shared this sentiment with her son-in-law,

plaid pants?

Anyone want to guess if THIS asshat was shot by the police after “failing to comply?”

At this point, these shootings feel retaliatory. They really do. Not even PDs are stupid enough to keep getting into these situations at such a tense time.

“I called you to help me but you killed my brother.”

I once had a manic episode while drunk and was shouting as loud as I could that I would kill everybody in my neighborhood, I tossed garbage cans around, and did this for I don’t know how long. Cops show up, I get cuffed, and breifly questioned. They let me go.

This is how I feel when people say their thoughts & prayers are going out to victims’ families. I do think that prayer can help, but actions also help. Systemic racism from people who claim to serve the same God as those they deem “thugs” and such does not weaken overnight and it hasn’t gone away. It just takes new


That’s him! I think he’s always been into fitness. He was a tight end in the Washington Huskies.

Like the shit he attacked her with tonight?