
I boldly predict that 95% of people will apply this law appropriately, and with sound and nuanced judgement. I also predict that 5% of people will be completely irresponsible A-holes smashing windows like meth-addled animal rights vigilantes.

We should ban all people wearing grey from entering the country.


I would not object to this.

It’s called the Parent Trap Syndrome.

yeah yeah yeah, jessica biel...your sex life is as active as it is moist, we get it.

Exactly. It defies logic that a man waiting for his kids to get off the school bus would point a gun at cops, inviting the cops to kill him.

I love how we displace responsibility for this shit on Europe. We are directly complicit. Those dead are on our hands too, as well as all the Haitian dead off our own shores (lest we forget that the Mediterranean isn’t the only body of water with corpses in it.)

It is a horrible tragedy with no simple solution.

3,358 LOST AT SEA would rank among the worst maritime disasters in history and be a nonstop news cycle indefinitely if it were white Westerners. This is an abomination.

Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!

I saw a woman on Facebook lastnight lamenting about how she had to have the talk with her son before they’ve even had the sex talk. Guess what talk she was referring to, though? The talk about riots and how to stay safe if black people take over Charlotte.

Its hard when the kids are that young, but I think its important to be honest as they get older. -From someone who grew up in an are where the cops are unabashedly awful to everyone below a certain class and extra horrible to ALL the minorities.

My mother grew up during the rise of communism in Vietnam. She raised me to be afraid of police. When there were assemblies held at school that featured local officers (usually via the DARE program), my mom would preface them by reminding me that I don’t know what they were capable of and that I need to be on my best

The longer they can “truthfully” admit they haven’t seen it, the easier it is for them to dodge questions.

“The video doesn’t corroborate our story, but trust us, it’s our story that’s right and not the video. Because video, much like science and the female orgasm, is a just a bunch of lies.”

National Domestic Violence Hotline

To hell with that fucking pastor “after all the effort we put in” what fucking effort they put in, “anger is dangerous in an union” fuck him really, like she had something to do with the monster who cut her hands.

Jackline Mwende, 27, says she was counseled by her pastor to try to save her marriage, despite escalating abuse.

Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes