Wandering Wombat

That makes sense that it varies.
Pinkham disagreed with me, and obviously he has more experience in dining establishments, but I still don't like bodily contact with servers. It makes my skin crawl on their behalf. Probably all those years of retail where people would tap me, or do a an intimate finger wave to get my

I actually don't know! I would assume either juicing or from some health food store.
Honestly, I am going to stop at the gin and cucumber syrup. That's enough fancy for me.

I have a cucumber sitting in my fridge and while I know I should slice it for salads, fuck it. This is a way better use for it! Salads don't have gin.

Where has this gif been my whole life?

They're like moths on a flame with the post!

Uh, my partner is a feminist. He owns it. Sorry, Mr. Internet stranger but you're way off base.

I agree with you whole-heartedly. There is a reason we haven't given up on the term feminism, as contested as it has become. It's important to acknowledge that it's a system of belief that sprung from the oppression of women.
If we drop the label we drop the history of the movement (even the no good bits which we

That's terrifying. And also very, very familiar.

For sure! I think that would be a good deliniation. But unfortunately when you're in an abusive situation that line blurs really fast. I just think it's good to keep an open dialogue about it and acknowledge that the concept is often used to pressure people into abusive sexual situations.

Thank you! You said it much more succinctly than I could.

But you can't just say, "it's fine if you're not in an abusive situation!" when these women most likely don't view it as an abusive situation because they haven't been given the tools to recognize the differences.
If pressure to have maintenance sex is commonly used as a tool in abusive situations, then that should

I think there is a large swath of people who read maintenance sex and take it as a completely different thing though. I am lucky enough to be educated on consent and sexual fulfilment, but I know a lot of men women who are raised to believe sex is something women just don't enjoy. That women just have to grin and bear

You made me actually laugh out loud. Thank you.

I gave up, haha.

Oh god, the "fun" talk. It's like they enjoy you being their caretaker, and picking up the second shift, but you also have to be spontaneous! Put away that tiredness girl, because he wants to have fun! Clearly he has remained a constant but somewhere along the line you got too domestic. (Sorry, I'm sure your boyfriend

Oh wow, that is awful. I am so sorry that was his reaction. Was he repentant after?

I assume it's more individual than gender, but if it weren't a case of gendered socialization there wouldn't be as many women identifying with it.

I'm happy you've found a way to work with it!
My ex had a lot more issues so eventually enough was just enough. I think you are 100% right though. We don't encourage men to create solid bonds, or think emotionally and then get angry when they fail to do those things in their romantic lives. It's not fair to them at

I had one shit-tacular ex who would turn every disagreement into, "Well I guess I'm just the world's worst boyfriend and I can't do anything right!!"
No. I just said I feel like you don't value my time when you leave all the chores for me to do.
Uncaring and derailing. He should get extra points for the combo.

"It is possible that men are probably more affected by their own roles and image as partners, than by the actual feelings of their partner," said Professor Frijters.