
You’ve watched too much Trump if you think that being intolerant and insulting to the ignorant is an appropriate way to champion tolerance.

LOL Just because those in charge make too much money off enabling perverse behavior in the developing world does not mean we HAVE to agree with it or somehow lack the right to critique. Especially those of us who work in the development field and live this nonsense all over. India is actually in fantastic shape on one

Yours is hands down the best comment here in defense of the program, bravo.

I still hold, however, that it is not the best use of funds with such a huge population and land mass.

We always joke that the with the resource-extraction backed economies the Scandinavian states are Gulf economies with a climate problem.

So, it is a little better than Korea (Seoul is hard to navigate even if you ask the cops for help), and a bit more precise than many big cities in China currently.

When going to a specific destination I always just look for old folks out and about to ask after I find somewhere to ditch the car.

Warships were/are durable goods. Space rockets are not, but at least you have novel reasoned arguments which are lacking in the thread.

Yes, pouring money into a space program is really going to help millions of malnourished youngsters that will have lifetime cognitive problems from dietary deficiencies.

Yeah, no. The U.S. in 1958 was at the forefront of global development and the richest country in the world.

The questioning the expenditures of a country where it is the norm not the exception to live in crushing poverty is a valid criticism. Not unlike places where people starve to death in Africa while the

Yeah, ok. Between those two comments you’re sounding really tolerant. You can get those things is most U.S. metropolitan areas, or indeed, most places in the modern world. Even free or near free education through doctorates.

I don’t go to NYC unless I am being paid to, and there is no amount of money you can pay me to

Yeah, that’s humans everywhere.

If not trolling you have not seen much of Earth

There was nothing wrong with the tires, and everything wrong with Ford’s engineering solution that wasn’t a real fix.

Yeah, Ford instructed owners (who already never check air pressures) and their Jiffy Lube mechanics to under inflate tires, leading to failure. That’s just bad engineering. They weren’t the best tires, but they were no worse than anything on GM or Dodge vehicles.

Not illegal in all states to pass on the right, and with the amount of normal cars and truckers that DO ride in the left hand lanes for miles upon miles get off your high horse with that nonsense. Every situation is different, but if we’re generalizing, hey.

I wish I could see truckers slow down when behind other

Verdict on the Goodyears is that they are a great AT tire but slightly noisy on tarmac, more so he thinks than Firestone Destinations he has also run, but destroy the Firestones in actual “need traction” situations.

I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with them either if you want them.

I know a guy running the Goodyears on an XJ, I’ll ask him what he thinks and reply back here in a few hours.

Video is fascinating, btw. I still worry about heat build up with the distance, but short range low speed, it makes sense.

The not airing down thing has two reasons: A: The tires grip well enough I haven’t felt it necessary even on pretty smooth rock and just like lockers I don’t start doing special things until I feel I have to. And B: I haven’t had a puncture issue yet.

Cooper AT3's are the best wet weather AT tire for pavement driving you will find IMO. I had Bridgestone Dueler Alenzas H/T’s on the TLC when I bought it, ABS would chatter away in the wet. 3 months before I shipped the truck to East Africa, I put AT3's on, ABS system still functioned but no ABS except on extreme panic

I used to repair and setup radios in uniform, I felt the same way. “It’s a magic box, alright, just type your numbers in and talk to each other, STOP GOING THROUGH THE MENUS TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT!”