
I dunno, young Arab and European (now there’s an odd grouping, no?) tourists pissed me off in Africa on travel all the time. Middle aged folks, not so much, but holy hell I almost pushed one group of 20ish Brits right into a gorge for being so obnoxious.

Only shocking to those who have never traveled to Asia. I went to a Chinese university for a year and they give the same advice to the Chinese about all foreigners. It was especially keen to keep the women from being “seduced” or raped. English orientations were much different and were pretty starkly whitewashed.


Don’t worry, beyond that, he will run into someone like me someday that plays games with attitudes like that, and knows what average deductibles are.

I also had to chuckle

You were saying?

The rust on these things runs away quickly. I figured the surface rust on my FJ62 was minor, before long I had holes two inches above the fender flares.

I love the style, but prefer them to be other people’s problems. I drive a UJZ100 these days.

Yeah, no. I wouldn’t buy this either, but I owned a FJ62 and a UZJ100 (both with steel bumpers and OME suspension) and driven J70's and UZJ200's over a few years in Africa. I can say I’ll take the newer ones every day of the week and pass on the FJ’s and even brand-new-from-Gibraltar J70's. Used 100's are cheaper than

lol, nice. They don’t even realize.

HA! I remember that. That is the West side of Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia before the recent light rail system went in that now hovers over the intersection.

They put in lights and it is terrible now, worked better before when everyone KNEW it was chaos. Now you don’t know when people will actually obey the

I make out pretty well. And Lol, no-I honestly have to chuckle-I don’t care if you think the smoking gun was my use of layman’s terms and broad speaking. You’re that broken up about my informed opinion and the simple truth of how perverse and enabling development assistance can be, and from the looks of it,

It is not. Bonus is if they freak out, you have a better reading on the true situation than the codes could ever give you.

Yeah, I had one too when I lived there. If you walk a lot all day it becomes nearly essential.

Having spent time there, I have to say you don’t know how many minions the Jag driver brought. Getting into your car and pushing out isn’t a bad idea if you’re outnumbered, because if a fight breaks out a Chinese crowd (and there is always a crowd in urban areas when things get above a conversational level) isn’t

Lol, no matter what you try and dribble here, the fact is that India’s space program is a diversion of funds and a distraction that could be used for more immediate development. There mere fact they have a space program and are borrowing for water projects should highlight that, but you’re too focused on me. I would

Lol, yes, actually, perhaps you should pay more attention to how interactions go between major powers and third world countries, the LDCs do get told how to spend their money, and the money they get in aid. Really. I told you that you are clueless. Follow the UN.

And I am back to, India is doing quite well in some

Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that we of the developed countries have to cater to your pride instead of caring about those huge starving masses that are so conveniently ignored because they have been ignored for millennium and don’t really matter to you and your caste, tribe, or social network.

Afford it. As in have

It is obvious you aren’t going to get on the same page, but that’s OK, we’ll both survive. There are plenty in the development field that I work in that I have to beat down mentally to hammer home that shiny cool things don’t feed people, policies that focus on the attainable and sustainable do.

And also, you just

Sounds like China

The shuttle was never economical, it kept running based on sunk costs and hopes that it could be made so but was incredibly maintenance intensive. We will see with the Indian effort, but they are starting from a different line, and as I said here earlier, they would do better to invest in conventional aerospace. I

It’s not a matter of perfect, it is a matter of priorities. The US was the most developed nation in the world when it started the space race, and had the ability to take on such projects without siphoning off monies. The Soviets, despite treating their entire own population light years worse than any second class