
You’re “genuinely asking” why people watch football? I’m genuinely asking why people like you bother to “genuinely ask” questions like this all week every week during football season?

It’s an escape from reality on Sunday and Monday for several million people. Whether it’s good or not, I have no specific opinion. But that’s the answer. Some people read; some people do the crossword; some people dress up like ancient knights and fight with plastic swords while hopped up on Sudafed and ambien. It’s

Sadly, he inherited mom’s biceps.

Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.

The Braves fans shouldn’t have an issue with this as they’re already used to saying the n word only when POC aren’t around.

Fun fact: [long story about anal sex and geography]

Did you know Jimmy Garoppolo once played with Tom Brady in New England? I know, it’s crazy - the media never talks endlessly about this.

I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns. 

So, what you’re saying is that something in Gilroy stinks.

I believe this is what is classified by the white house as “Locker room talk”

Alexi Lalas has a take on this. Not sure what it is, but it is not a good take. Thats all.

I have an incredibly hard time imagining that someone who is good enough to start for the Oranje and was born and raised in the Netherlands would instead choose the clownshow that is the USMNT.

Okay, so the videos are in Italian. As someone who took French in high school (which is very close to Italian), I can tell you that the umpire is not saying “I like to play sports with my brother” or “I would like to go to the store.”

Settle down, Beavis.

This would make for a killer remake of ‘My Blue Heaven.’

I’m going to strongly disagree with Drew on the wedding gift. If you’re in the wedding and you have to travel, then your presence (and the grand you sunk into everything) is your gift to the couple. Anyone who expects a gift after asking you to spend that much money to be a member of their wedding is an asshole and

Clive? That you, buddy?

Imagine being a multibillionaire and actually getting upset that someone on youtube is basically just playground level insulting you...

A plastic bag of styrofoam cups is also Alex Smith’s new tibia.

Dummy. Everyone knows the only way to stop Romelu Lukaku is to hire Jose Mourinho to coach him.