
All right- 40-something year old A’s fan- I remember all of these guys. Or at least their cards. Something most people don’t know about Stan Javier? He was named after his dad’s good friend, Stan Musial. His dad was on the Cardinals for many years with Stan the Man. And Ron Hassey was the backup catcher for Terry

I actually had never realized you could change the voices. My big takeaway of that list was the fact that there are three different Latvian voices. There’s only 1.4 million Latvian speakers worldwide. That’s (checks notes) one voice per 466,666 speakers. Contrast that with Spanish options (4) vs Speakers

This reminds me of when my dad emailed my brother and I about something and I replied, “well you take the good, you take the bad, and there you have it: the facts of life.” He said he liked that sentiment very much and my brother immediately barged in saying “Nope! Not going to allow (me) to pass off 80's sitcom theme

Hate to be the typo police, but as a Monterey native, can I just point out that “Monterey” is in California and “Monterrey” is in Mexico? It was a typo by the nascent US authorities after the Mexican War to spell it with only one R, errr, r. 

Carmel-ish native here. (Carmel-by-the-sea is only 1 square mile- I grew up outside that square) Carmel’s politics have always been white-shoe old money weird, but they have gotten even more over the top in the last 10 years. Its a stuffy place that is really almost exclusively second homes now. Very few kids actually

I work at a resort that has a fleet of dozens of golf carts. We had a very similar incident last year. The key on these carts will often fall out of the ignition, and the operator will walk away from the cart with the ignition still in the On position. One of my employees was loading packages into the front seat when

I was a bartender in Central America for years and I had to kick more than a few guys (almost always guys) out. Drinking other people’s drinks off their tables, stealing money from the tip jar, fights, breaking stuff (chairs/glasses/candles/barstools) intentionally, aggressively hitting on girls where they felt

After an intense 30 seconds of googling Dr. Outhouse, I’m a bit confused. His father’s name is James Vernon Utheizhen, and coincidentally there is a facebook profile for “Trentington Leapolt Utheizhen”. Did he legally change his name to “Outhouse”? At first I though Utheizhen might mean “outhouse” in German or

I for one am quite looking forward to the Storm Duck Vs. Manchester United MacGyver inevitable matchup in the Elite 8.

What’s that chain called, just so, you know, if I’m driving by I know where not to stop.

As someone that was once a Email of the Week (you posted my letter about pooping on my own foot at the border of Guatemala and Honduras) I can confidently assert my opinion on foie gras. I had the amazing opportunity to live in the Dordogne region of France for two years across the “street” -it was a dirt track, from

Doesn’t everybody live at home? That’s why its home, because you live there.

“Somewhere” in Maine, but wooden boats...Eggemoggin Reach...Sounds like he’s got a house in Brooklin, which is kinda funny, as he also has a place in Brooklyn. He didn’t mention the Mexican restaurant El El Frijoles which is right there, that would have confirmed it.

If you have to say “This is not racism, it is the reality”, 10-1 its racism. You basically said that people coming north are responsible for infecting crazy scientifically-illiterate white people that won’t vaccinate their kids. You are proposing shooting people with automated machine guns and blowing them up

Minefields. Minefields? This is your answer? Do you realize how autistic you sound with this proposal? These are people crossing. The people walking on foot are the poorest of the poor. After 150 years of American economic, military and political interference with the countries to our immediate south, how are people

You know when the Raiders left Oakland the 1st time, the City of Oakland and Alameda County sued via form of eminent domain to first try and prevent the move, and then after they had already moved, compel them to come back. Oakland lost, but the case was a part of the background of my childhood as my dad was one of

I realize you are trying to be funny, but LBD is not Alzheimers. If you are going to feel the need to mock peoples’ medical conditions, at least do it with some degree of accuracy.

So what happens next in that situation? Game called? Does it just end there with the same score or is a forfeit for the home team (probably after the ref leaves the stadium I imagine). I went to a game in Cuzco, Peru in 2000 where people jumped over barbed wire to try and charge the ref and the riot police just

I'm sorry, non East-Coaster here, what's a "26er"? Are we measuring booze bottles in centiliters now?