
My guess is that the team agreed to it while thinking about how they’d just ignore the agreement & then get away with tearing up the deal. You know, like how an NFL team deals with its players.

I will say this for the A’s - they don’t draw as many fans as they should, but the fans who do show up are great. I was at the Coliseum (which is an endearing and kind of homey old concrete shitpile that feels like it just got done hosting a livestock exhibition) last month and the ~20,000 people who were there were

The real punishment should go to the people who planned a SUNDAY wedding, Week 1 Sunday no less.

Lawrence really should be careful. Things like that can have repercussions later on in life.

Security experts have confirmed that it only took the offender three attempts to break the account’s password: GUMBOGUMBOGUMBO

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

And I looked back and saw only one set of footprints in the sand, and I asked God, “Why, when I needed you most, why did you abandon me?” God replied, “No, Antonio, it was then that I carried you. Because you cryogenically froze your fucking feet. This was one month ago! How do you not remember this?

Surely, she’s devastated.

So what if he tried to hit Hyde?  He’d have like an 81.7% chance of missing anyway.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison

I envy everyone who has never been to Commerce City, CO and is therefore surprised by this

To be fair, Puig is the type of player to be involved in a brawl despite not being on either team.

According to baseball’s unwritten rules, Bauer now has to throw at himself in his next appearance

Please, we REALLY need more journalists like you to more vocally point out what the rest of us are thinking.

Do shitty stuff, expect shitty results.”

I realize that you’re just trolling at this point, but I’m going to answer earnestly on the off-chance you have no idea what’s really going on.

“look at the vulgarity, won’t someone think of the children...uh, not those dead children, I don’t care about those...”

If this had happen during the Montreal portion of the Rays season, it would have been even more confusing because it would have all been in metric.

I know you're all going to make fun of him for this picture, but before you do I think you should all know this picture was taken on Halloween last year, when he went as the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.