
that’s the joke

“Bow to the daddy”

Oh god, they’re related to Robert the Bruce.  I’m related to Robert the Bruce.  I’m part of this now.

Bobby, I fully support your completely valid Chazelle take.

The rapper, whose new song fucking rules who is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,

I will admit 90% of the reason I agreed to do this was to show off the Phantom Thread poster in my bathroom. (I am very proud of the placement.)

It was a gift! I treasure it.

It warms my cold dead heart that you own a cross-stitched piece (and a subversive one at that!).

Pffft. If he were totally serious, he’d raise a damn army, like all would-be usurpers do.

You know the movie The Mummy? I keep picturing the scene where Beni is going through all the different religious symbols before he becomes the Mummy's minion? I picture that every time I see Miller.

I confronted my sister a few weeks ago about her new boyfriend being a Trumpster.. She was like Umm.. You know I’m a Trumpster right. She later used a racial slur. I was like WHO ARE YOU. Was proud however that my husband called her out on the racial slur and she was like oh is that racist? Thanks for letting me rant.

Jesus, calm down. You know how you can have an opinion? So can I. I can have the apparently controversial opinion that these few lines this woman said about her twins don’t make a lot of sense to me, and the world will not end, I promise. 

I read this earlier and when I got to the very bottom I admit there was a sharp intake of breath followed closely by a “yesssssss.” So awesome for Ms. Hope.

Out of all of them, Kourtney’s style and look is most interesting to me, especially her maternity looks. It’s also extremely hard to believe she is turning 40 next year.

Re: Nicole: She’s from Australia, where everything is venomous. Tarantulas are way less threatening than the spiders she grew up with.

Now playing

Hosted by Poppy and Georgie Carlton? Please?

I assume that later today “Gisele dies of laughter” will be a headline. 

He’s basically every white father from that generation right down to the “I could die tomorrow, she’ll be better off.” These guys are such sad sacks.

Thomas Markle is the wooooooorsssst. How long before he stops getting paid for his interviews and ceases to exist in gossip? I have dumpster fire parents too but at least I’m not famous.