
You are right. This guy should not have been allowed into the United States. Immigration laws need to be much stricter. Thank you.

Wait—was she targeted because she was a woman or because she’s Muslim? What is the argument here?

They base it on the evidence about the crime available to them. They’re not meant to engage in thought crime allegations. And the fact that the man is an El Salvadoran immigrant is totally being ignored. That’s strange. You virtue signalers are so sadly predictable.

What evidence do you have access to that the prosecutors don’t?

You obviously haven’t been paying attention to the media. Google “fake Muslim hate crime.”

Yeah the police have a lot to gain by covering up evidence that an El Salvadoran immigrant purposely targeted a Muslim girl based on hate, and they’re ignoring what all the witnesses say.

You were there? You know something about El Salvadoran immigrants that the police who collected evidence about this don’t?

It’s amazing that you can read the mind of El Salvadoran immigrants who commit crimes that you didn’t witness, which were witnessed by plenty others who didn’t provide evidence that the motive was based on religion! Amazing ability.

There is no evidence that he targeted her because of her religion. If there was, this would be a hate crime. There is a difference between intent and motive, look it up.

And nothing about the fact that the man is an immigrant from El Salvador who is now being detained by ICE.

No. You clearly know nothing about terrorism. Terrorism is about the motive. There is no evidence he was motivated by anything political. He got into a fight and then killed her. You can’t cry “terrorism” because you’re upset. This is about intent, not motive.

If there was no evidence that he was motivated by her religion but was motivated by a fight then it’s road rage.

Good points. Then people wonder why Hillary lost.

And yet, the people just keep coming and coming and coming, and whining and whining and whining when anyone tries to stop them or make their entries harder in any way. Strange.

It’s pathetic. This isn’t even real feminism. Actual feminism is about actual females. This has devolved into cultural Marxist crap where making excuses for trannies (that’s guys in wigs) and Islam (the most misogynist ideology in the world) now has supplanted women’s issues. Good thing this website is bankrupt

No. That isn’t what people are saying. They’re saying life is AWFUL here and everyone is racist. My point is that if that were true, people would not come here. It’s a lie.

Huh? Ill-informed? Just because I don’t buy the far leftist narrative from MSNBC like SJWs do doesn’t mean I’m “ill-informed.” I cite any claim I make and I don’t make up things. If what I say is so untrue, people could respond with actual arguments.

No, stupid. It’s actually not that hard if you’re willing to name the problem in the first place and address it honestly. The Israelis do a pretty good job, Americans could as well if they weren’t inept morons. Please learn how to read.

Sure, and they just keep doing it because of that Emma Lazarus poem even though life is terrible here, everyone is racist, and all immigrants are treated horribly by everyone for no reason. The poem forces people to come here even as they suffer through the nightmare that is life in the United States, including the

Wow good points. I point out the US military is inept and has failed in Afghanistan, and this is your response. I’m totally convinced. Telling people to “shut the fuck up” is a sign of high-level intellectual functioning, btw.