
Btw I cited studies and work by black professors, writers, and journalists. If this is what terrible “racists” are doing nowadays to make a point, that’s news to me. Keep crying about Trump.

What do you tell your teenage black sons about how to deal with other black teenagers?

If the best thing you can come up with is “racist” and “dick-sucking,” then I think it proves my point. I’m not even white and I sure as hell didn’t vote for Trump. If your claims can’t even stand up to the slightest pushback, you’re in trouble.

Why do so many come here and keep trying to come here, even illegally then? Why do so many throw a hissy fit when the process of coming here is made even slightly harder? If it’s so dangerous, why are thousands of Syrians flocking here? How the hell is this happening if it’s just so dangerous?

No, dear. I’m pointing out what the US has done in Afghanistan is catastrophic. It’s a massive failure. They can’t even stop bombs like this.

This guy isn’t white. And his immigration status is undetermined as of yet. Zimmerman’s mother is not white, therefore he’s of mixed descent.

So being called a word once (when you were a child, years ago) that is repeated regularly in hip-hop songs by black rappers and some dirty looks is basically your horror story? As if women of all races aren’t talked down to in professional settings? And your other proof is two guys you know being “nearly beaten” or

Well, I’m sure you’re a high-flying international business tycoon, and I can tell by your using “retard” in forming cogent, compelling arguments. Your level of intelligence and eloquence is truly stunning. Get out of your mother’s basement and go for a jog, Elon Musk.

You came here in 87 to do business, but you just spend time here? So you don’t live here? Your product is consumed here? Not anywhere else in any other country in the world? Strange that this place is so bad people come here to do business only then. Strange that the US is so terrible that people keeping buying your

Huh? You’ve been here since 87? Why did you come here? And why was this country chosen as your destination, out of all the countries in the world? And why stay here if it’s that bad? And who said I’m “justifying” anything? I’m pointing out people keep coming here because life is good here. If it wasn’t, they’d find

It’s probably super racist too.

No. I said plenty of Muslims make up fake hate crimes, which is true. And the stupid far left narrative in this country that screeches about Donald Trump making Muslims in this country unsafe is fake, which is true. Do you think Darwin Martinez Torres is taking his orders from Trump’s administration? I would love to

Wow, that should solve everything. I’m sure women in Iran and Saudi Arabia who have to wear hijabs or get jailed would be super grateful. I’m sure Darwin Martinez Torres cares that you’re a white agnostic, too. Better yet, try to visit Mecca as a white agnostic to show your solidarity. Wonder what would happen.

Wow, great argument. You’ve truly convinced me that jihad is about Muslims being sad about not having jobs and the US military has done wonderful work in the Mideast and Afghanistan.

Lol—counterterrorism is “HARD”! Sure, dude. After 16 years in Afghanistan, the US military has done a wonderful job. Yeah, “social-economic”—these Muslims wouldn’t blow themselves up if they just had jobs! Too bad data show most jihadists are usually more educated and well-off than average.

Oh, yes it’s the NARRATIVE! Just the story that keeps being spread around, not stuff like this. It’s places like the SPLC that spread hte word that life is good here, not the fact that life is actually good here.

Lol, yeah, white men are the great boogeymen that keep attacking Muslim women and that’s when they’ll have to use guns. White men are literally roaming the countryside looking for Muslim women. Not like this or this or this or this or this or this.

Oh okay, you sound totally legit. The US military is doing wonderfully at handling jihad btw, especially in the Middle East and Afghanistan. And you didn’t answer my question. What did you say after San Bernardino, Orlando, Boston, not to mention Paris (multiple times) and the Brussels Airport? This is ridiculous.

Huh? A Hispanic man attacked a Muslim woman in a hijab who is non-white like he is, and you’re crying racism and colonization? You recognize that there are plenty of Hispanic Muslims, just like there are white Muslims, and you still cry racism? This is getting desperate.