Wampler Longacre

As long as you own that you are wasting your time. :D

CDs were lame a decade ago!

Sean, you forgot the third option: Staying the hell out of it.


You scour the landscape of pop culture, and finding that it does not serve adults, declare that there are no adults to serve? The great thing about pop culture is, you can ignore it, largely without consequence. And in modern pop culture, the great thing is, everything is a niche. For every scandal or triumph you

You wring your hands that the opposite ends of a spectrum are each untenable. But your whole doom-laden no-win scenario falls apart, and real adulthood and real progress emerges, when you acknowledge that the vast majority of people spend their lives charting a course somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. There

Clarity and power. That's what being in your 30's delivers that people in their 20's can barely understand, let alone grasp. :)

Well, without a world war going on, our extended collective life expectancy might actually benefit from some adjustments to the age range for various "adult" milestones.

Oh, way to spoil it, avclub. Now we know he makes planetfall. >:(

Wow… "YOU were, yes." Simultaneously giving her very relevant information while also making it clear that he has moved on, as an explanation for why he didn't bring it up, and also making it unnecessary to reply … all with the _inflection_ of one word.

This is exactly the issue. Years between seasons is long enough to completely disengage with the characters, their world, their themes… It's long enough to feel like the show's ended, and mourn it's passing, and then move on.

Or rather, that they do!!


Wow, yeah, that was a grim and depressing film. I left the theatre asking myself "why did I bother watching that?"

You know they all happen in a render farm, right??

Why don't those GHOULS and boys at HBO get with the program? After all, SCARING is caring!

Harrumph. No love for "Slither", "The Ruins", "Insidious", "Pandorum", or "[Rec]"?

Willow you e-e-e-e-ee-ediot!!!!

This review is full of infelicitous dialogue far from a plausible vernacular!