Wampler Longacre

97 years Rick and Morty… Because it's been three years since the first episode when Rick screamed "100 years Rick and Morty." Now THAT's a callback.

No, stretching the kimono is something different.,,

People ask her to get a different last name.

Oh, especially!

Yeah …

What about the people who poopooed the entire thing before the movie was released because the main cast didn't have any of the original actors, nor did it use the same director or writers, reducing it to a cynical retread of a concept with the same name slapped on it to plunder nostalgia for something that an entire

It's just about how I remember feeling while watching "Saving Private Ryan"20 years ago…

That chair makes him look like Jar Jar

Ah, like in that movie The Black Hole!

That's not a mistake…

But can I learn "FUS RO DAH"? And can I find Henry Avery's pirate booty?

The heck is Anthiony Hopkins doing in this????

This is some cut-rate wanna-be late-period David Bowie muckabout right here.

As long as it's not that goddamn "remastered" version with all the shit "modern" CGI all over it.

Article summary: "I've personally seen too many animated dance party endings and am sick of them now, even though people who aren't music or movie critics and don't claim to have refined tastes actually like them, and that's okay; don't get me wrong; don't hurt me I'm a nice person I swear."


They're not any better now. This is the third review I've read on this site TODAY that pompously misuses the phrase "in and of itself".

I can relate. After the language of cinema sinks in for 40 years or so, it is sometimes more fun to read a really keen critique of a film than it is to watch the film itself.
See, for example, all the stuff written about the new Ghostbusters.

Oh… oooooooh! HOLLOWGHASTS. I get it!!!

The great thing about this movie (which is wrecked by the mere existence of a sequel) is how it ends.