Wampler Longacre

Or you could see Grave Of The Fireflies which will knock you out and make you not want to come back…

No one does "earnest young heroine" like Ghibli/Miyazaki. It's pretty great, even if it is basically the same personality in Spirited Away, Kiki, Nausicaa, Howl's Castle, Arrietty, and Castle In The Sky.

I'm quite tickled that the av club pointed that out. My first reaction was "Oh come on that's just a bent rim! That's like 25 bucks used!"

Is our effort to see it, worth it?

Nothing. It's the direction that f'ed it up.

One good thing did come out of this movie: The fantastic music Ennio Morricone scored for it, which he did without actually knowing the plot of the film, and which they then used as a template when editing later on. It's f#*@$ triumphant, ethereal, and gripping, and you just know that if they'd used contemporary

That's a pretty dour review for something that managed to earn a "B"…

I think it's a little beyond the point of questioning such details in a movie that zooms inside a computer chip to reveal light-pipes arranged in empty space with little dots and dashes zooming along them like soda in straws.


It's especially interesting to see the lionization accelerated in the information age. I remember Reagan's campaigning, and his presidency, and his relatively quiet aftermath. His biggest legacy seemed to be "trickle-down" economic theory, and the start of the GOP's utter devotion to the military-industrial-complex.

… Except that would require such an accurate and well-planned manipulation of our 4D space that it would invalidate their supposed "need" for getting murph into the black hole in the first place.

You should check out the 15-plus hours of "documentary" stuff they cram into the special edition Hobbit releases. There are actually a lot more practical effects used than you would expect. For example, they actually did build a gigantic Laketown set, and a full-size water ride that they then dropped the actors

Mostly because I enjoy them for their action and atmospheric fantasy elements more than their plot or dramatic weight. Riddles In The Dark and the conversation with Smaug, for example, are excellently staged encounters that get to play out on their own terms, with the fantasy aspect seamlessly integrated. It's hard

The kind that is running partway out of the water in order to travel as fast as possible over open ocean, obviously.

Whatevs, yo. I actually find these hobbit films much more watchable and rewatchable than the "original" LOTR.

Hey, don't sweat it! According to Zillow, you can purchase and restore it for around 200k! Just gotta find a good broker…

Well I am sorry you feel that way; I sure it is to everyone's loss. ;)

I think it's alluded to. At least, we're led to believe that's what happens in her deranged mind, if not in reality.

Well you could easily interpret the message of this film, with regards to false rape reports, like so:

I think we agree here.