Wampler Longacre

My point is, there's a better way to deal with this than simply bleating out, "you think everything is a misogynist conspiracy!" On the chart of logical fallacies this is called the "to quoque" fallacy, or, "answering criticism with criticism."

As Motoko Kusanagi says, "the net is vast and infinite."

Nick is afraid to sleep in the same bed as Amy. That's pretty clear proof that he's more afraid of her than "society". She returns to him drenched in blood, and confesses to him that she murdered a man, and he learns that it happened in bed. The movie spends time establishing this.

Honestly, what's up with that "cool girl" speech?

Whoah, hold it there son. Let's not move so fast we become Part Of The Problem, hmmm?

My favorite part of the whole movie was when Amy made a dramatic statement about driving to the Gulf of Mexico to throw herself to the Great White sharks, and her supposedly "trailer trash" acquaintance quietly corrected her with something like "no, the Gulf of Mexico is Bull sharks, honey". That single muttered line

In my extended friend network I've had a surprising number of conversations where I asked a guy, "You knew she was dangerous; why did you stay?", and gotten back an answer almost exactly like, "Because it was really exciting!"

That last sentence basically knocks the premise of this article over like cardstock. Well played.

Well, for what it's worth, it's pretty terribly misanthropic as well. Nick is a liar, a cheat, verbally and physically abusive, and in the end all his efforts to "avenge" himself turn out to land him back with his wife, which he appears to accept almost as if it was what he really wanted anyway. The only male who

Well, not just because "society".

Why don't you go ask Ben Stiller … who is arguably an entire generation older than you … why he felt so strongly about Reality Bites that he decided to direct it?

If this guy was one of our "BEST AND BRIGHTEST", why was he stupid enough to die by his own hand?

This is basically a CGI rip of J. Otto Seibold's visual and animated style. I'm just sayin'.

Twenty bucks says Garrett is Ward's abusive older brother.

If you're looking for a combination of ambience, warmth, and a bare-bones R&B/blues foundation all combined to evoke a desert, try "Slim Westerns" by A Small Good Thing. Think Ennio Morricone on peyote.

And now that you're enjoyed this, it's time to listen to "Polar Sequences" by Biosphere and Higher Intelligence Agency.

You, my friend, need to grab everything made by "O Yuki Conjugate".

Interesting. But it went off the rails into subjective territory when you wrote "When Joe gets off being bent over a leather sofa, […], it’s because this sort of overstated sexual violence stands as the plainest expression of the kind of violence that defines her sexual and romantic history."

I tell you what. If you feel bad later on, we'll dig a grave and you can throw up in it.