
Such crap. I have personally seen him be SO bitchy to people at least a half-dozen times, at events and parties at which we both happened to be...and I hardly ever saw him, so if I saw just that many, then there were exponentially more.

Live by the sword, die by the sword...but don’t whine about it.

Marry me. We’ll combine our investment funds, live frugally and regale each other with sparkly stories of our comfortable retirement!

Marry me. We’ll combine our investment funds, live frugally and regale each other with sparkly stories of our

there’d be a huge THUNK from his apartment, like getting up from a chair or the sofa required a jump or dismount.

THANK YOU. I was about to scroll down to ask that myself and here you are.

The Middle East! What a great place to see a show...and then go across/down the street to Toscanini’s ice cream.

Boston cabbies are the best. I had a similar experience once, and a very nice guy with a HUGE Southie accent drove me right to my “dowah,” “cahs, y’know, sweethaht, it ain’t a good naybahood.”

Roadkill Raccoon for the win!

It’s not “no more,” it’s just this publisher. Allen will have no problem continuing to make movies with actors and producers who either don’t believe the Farrow siblings, don’t care, or who burble about it being possible for them to “separate the art from the artist.”

I have the Ororo heated vest and it’s FABULOUS. I live in NYC and am cold basically straight from October-April, and that vest has helped tremendously.

I have the Ororo heated vest and it’s FABULOUS. I live in NYC and am cold basically straight from October-April, and

Legal discussion and privilege aside...what a shitbag of a human being. 

She didn’t just do it, she told people she did it. Not everyone, or even most people...but anyone halfway close to her knew, because she was so fucking gleeful about it. She had a giant ego and I think wanted everyone to know she was smart enough to see it coming.

Turns out, yup.

Not given by me but by a now-ex friend (“ex” for a myriad of reasons similar to this):

Her stepson was getting married on Christmas eve...she gave him a $1000 gift certificate to a divorce lawyer, “because we can all see that coming.”

WHERE is the new “Pissing Contest”? I live for that!

I don’t know how to have her know this is you (maybe you can figure that part out), but call the electric company (as her) and arrange to have her electric shut off on the first day of her vacation. By the time she gets back, all that rotting stuff in the freezer will be SUPER ripe.

Terrence Howard is an abusive narcissist and has been visibly so for ages.

And as far as his crazy math theories go...they’re well-documented. Juzwiak can’t be bothered with a simple Google search, but here’s one result:

No, Huffman’s going to jail. There’s nothing more to be done; once a sentence is issued, there’s no “bargain[ing it] down.” And you don’t get to appeal a verdict you agreed to (that’s half the idea of a “plea bargain”...the other half is that is saves the taxpayers the money of a trial). The “bargaining” came under

Not only an accused rapist....but a convicted moron. Why can’t he spell?

The top line of my patient file at the dentist reads, “PATIENT CONTINUES TO EAT CANDY.” True.

My picks include, in no order:

And what grown-ass person buys their grown-ass sibling a FLAG?

Why not? (serious question, not trolling)