I totally disagree. Part of a relationship is showing up for the other person...and if you agree to do it, then doing it HAPPILY, not sulking or looking miserable. And not for nothing, Affleck’s an ACTOR...so spending four or so hours smiling/laughing in front of cameras should be super-easy.
I had no issue with your comment...I just thought it was significant that everyone’s complaints were grayed, but a Jez staffer published the sole non-complaint.
When you say you’re “been out of the grays for years,” are you saying that it’s possible to be greenlighted to comment in an ongoing way...instead of having…
Right now, there are four replies to this story (not including this one); all but one complain about the quality of writing. The only one taken out of the grays is the one which doesn’t.
“Personally, I could care less that Adams like to go to restaurants...”
With a bustle in it? Don’t be alarmed, now.
The guy who lost his life savings was in Manchester, New Hampshire...not England.
Is that because you don’t want to marry him, or because you don’t want a public proposal?
Hey! I’m SO happy for you. Open-heartedly, glad-you-have-selfless-friends-who-are-team-you kind of people. So happy you didn’t die when you were putting yourself in maybe-I’ll-die situations.
I loved this piece. Please keep writing, whether or not you become that Very Successful Writer. I for one will keep reading.
Where does one buy mushrooms in NYC, safely and reliably, without that paranoid little voice saying, “What if the fentanyl folks are lacing shrooms, too?” Completely serious question.
All this championing of newly-emancipated Britney....complete with the rearview-mirror-bashing the paparazzi who helped the breakdown-turned-conservatorship happen.......is going to seamlessly morph into breathless coverage of the shitshow when she starts to unravel again.
Agreed. Not only no impulse control, but she’s not very bright...and that’s a terrible combination, especially when you have a huge following and every major media spotlight amplifying your every move/utterance.
Monica Lewinsky is the greatest.
Hey there...glad that worked out for you. I understand that kind of relief, and wish you all good things.
Though I suppose this is a paranthetical...
Do the NYC killjoys responsible for the ban on terrace grills also have issues with inflatable terrace hot tubs? Asking for a friend.
Do the NYC killjoys responsible for the ban on terrace grills also have issues with inflatable terrace hot tubs?…
When I hear of this kind of thing, all I can think of is possible retaliation to the ex-girlfriend...either from Michetti or one of his like-minded cronies. I get that she made herself known, but the Post and other outlets should perhaps take the high road and not crow about how the Michettis in the incident got…
Guys....“face coverings are required at all times” at this food festival. So don’t be haters...it’s FINE.