
The men are welcome to have Fight Club. It's yours. Take it. No really, please get it out of here.

And neither is this show. What's ya point, bruh?

Beautiful, golden fur.

That's not a sad face, ding-dong.

I rode horses for a long time, and let me tell you, they will not hesitate to knock you down or bite your face off if you screw with them. They are nothing but muscle, hooves and teeth.

Takeaway from this review: we should only applaud movies and TV shows about successful shitty dudes (Social Network, Steve Jobs, Wolf of Wall Street, The Founder, etc. etc. etc.) because motivated men are tortured and complicated while motivated women are petty bitches. đŸ˜’

I had one of those coworkers when I worked at a movie theater. Did yours also quote 'Quick Change' and claim he "knew people"?

When I was in the eighth grade, I was obsessed with the movie 'Romancing the Stone' and Australia, so I wrote a screenplay that combined the two. I only remember the main character was a nurse and broke up with her doctor fiance because she caught him flirting with another nurse. She didn't confront him about it,…

Kitchen Nightmares. I'm right there with you. And Super Nanny reruns.

"I will definitely talk to the boy about about his bad behavior."
*turns around, slips Connor a $20*
"Go buy yourself some spray paint and a black hoodie."

Good point. Oblivious then, oblivious now.

This from the guy who was once found it troubling that no one hired actual Native Americans to play Native Americans in Westerns. How very interesting.

Still no TruckNutz, huh. Where is Bumblebee's big yellow d? I'd hardly call this an improvement.

Mya and Charlize giving me the tingles.

Pales in comparison to this work of art.

Helloooooo Spock.

In terms of TV and movies, I liked the usual crap. But I did have this really terrible doll that I loved called Lady Lovely Locks. The concept was that you clipped little long-tailed animals onto her blonde hair. I was all about it until my friend pointed out that it's a girl with rats and birds living on her head.…

In terms of TV and movies, I liked the usual crap. But I did have this really terrible doll that I loved called Lady Lovely Locks. The concept was that you clipped little long-tailed animals onto her blonde hair. I was all about it until my friend pointed out that it's a girl with rats and birds living on her head.…

Oh no, 'The River' was cancelled. But how will I ever find out about… that thing… that happened? #closure

Oh no, 'The River' was cancelled. But how will I ever find out about… that thing… that happened? #closure