Both sides are hateful moronic movements that exist solely to circlejerk each other to feel morally superior whilst accomplishing fuck all. You can take this article as an example.
Both sides are hateful moronic movements that exist solely to circlejerk each other to feel morally superior whilst accomplishing fuck all. You can take this article as an example.
Yes, we’re talking about the same Kotaku, a news and opinion outlet like any other that will have successes and stumbles along the way. I agonize about stories all the time, some I wish we did better, some that we’ve had to run despite a lot of resistance from people involved who didn’t want us to tell a fair…
I don’t frequent the cess pits of forums, I do however use Twitter, and safe to say it appears the majority of offensive remarks from ‘within the industry’ are falling on the side of anti GG. I have been appalled at the level of behavior from so called professionals and I would be ashamed if my children or work…
Perfect summary.
Young people of the world: avoid associating with people who constantly shift goalposts, people who constantly go out of their way to drill new holes into recently fixed dams, and people who constantly view the world in observably & militantly binary terms (projecting a “you’re either 100% with us or…
A big part of being a rational human being is to treat claims made by others with a healthy skepticism. Especially claims made by people who are trying to prove a point.
Finally, we get a city simulator where you don’t have to play offline.
It looks like Rovio shouldn't have put its eggs...
Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad…
You're gonna have to excuse my bluntness, but you are not an authority on what is funny. I know, I've seen your posts.
Hunger Games: The Game.
oh man I just had one of those big thoughts. Vaporware isn't going away it's morphing into failed kick starters.
This panel irritates the hell out of me. They're turning this is into a class war where there doesn't need to be. It also seems to be turning her into this restrained female character and she never was. Ever. She's one of the strongest female leads in a film. The other panel with her and Dadonna is especially…
It depends on what you do for a living, but the crux of it is 'move'/'leave'. For me, I stayed in the same company but changed offices, from there I had the reputation of being good that I brought with me, but was able to show a renewed focus towards my actual goals. The other method (which I'm going through now…
People look down on the multitalented—even the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none” has a bit of a negative…