Exactly how many branches of government does the GOP need to control at will until it can be considered a Republican America, all 3? 5? 27?
Exactly how many branches of government does the GOP need to control at will until it can be considered a Republican America, all 3? 5? 27?
This is one time that I would agree that someone should have stuck to sports.
“I can just imagine Trump’s rants and reactions if another country did the same to a [WHITE] American girl.”
Can we just once get a wealthy politician who does shady things get caught doing this and just yell out, “Yeah that’s right, I did it to get even more rich, and it’s legal!” I would actually respect that guy a smidge more.
“It’s a Twix! They’re all Twix! It was a setup! A setup, I tell ya!”
So if you talk about a student eating glue decades ago, you lose your job as a teacher. But if you attempt to rape someone decades ago, the statute of limitations is up, so get your job as a Supreme Court Justice!
“...because Murkowski voted against confirming Brett Kavanaugh.”
Serious question, could some or all of the people in that tribe state they live at a central location (an office, prayer space, etc) and apply for and receive absentee ballots?
Needs the tag: Sports Highlight of the Day.
Are there any good sites that explain strategy in terms of which pitch to throw in what types of situations? I know that each pitch is based on many factors, but are there general principles?
“Look, our players work too hard, and they deserve to have everything...”
If there is any justice in the world, let them decide Kava-NO.
Finally, at least a minyan. Shanah tovah!
No worries for the rest of your days - Acuña matata.
...TPIR’s Showcase Showdown...
I have no idea. I am new to this. Are you saying that it will be impossible to unionize? Or are you saying that it is not in my interests?
Ah, I see. So are you saying that it is not worthwhile to unionize private school teachers?
Hi, can you please elaborate on what you mean? (btw, I would need to take about 3 years of university/grad school to qualify for certification to work at a public school, which I’m not ready to do)
I am starting a job in September as a private school teacher. What is my first step to join a union? Then what is my second step to get everyone else to do the same?