
.Thanks. I know this is not technically true but, for practical purposes, the disc service has “every” film in print (at least every reasonably popular film). In the early days, in addition to the convenience and value, it was easy access to pretty much anything one was looking for that was the draw. It’s rare that I

To answer honestly: I thought it was surprising—and worth writing about—at least in part because Netflix, one of the most loudly self-promoting companies in the business, never says anything about this side of its business, ever. (Although they did release a app last year.) So it’s very easy to forget this

It’s worth noting that Netflix’s DVD selection is often quite a bit wider than that afforded by its streaming deals.

The influence of James Bond on the Black Panther can be traced back to his origins.

Counterpoint it’s as good as any 90's nominated Best Picture film. Just because it has perceived plot holes for you doesn’t mean it isn’t a good film.

luckily they seem to have gotten rid of the theater proximity requirement though, so if you’re still able to check in to the movie before you leave the house, and you aren’t more than 30 minutes away from the theater, you’re good

Michael B Jordan was pointlessly angry

Oh, the South Korea bit is total Bond material. Everything up until Klawe dies, really. And Shuri even gets to be Q.

he’s directly referenced bond in his last two movies, too (they watch skyfall in creed, and i’d say roughly 45 minutes of black panther is a bond tribute, including an actual reference)

You know who would be a cool choice to direct the next Bond now that Danny Boyle is out? Ryan Coogler. He’s mentioned on podcasts that he’s a huge fan. If I didn’t want him to absolutely direct the next Black Panther adventure, I’d be pushing for it a lot more. In my alt-universe, he’s directing with Idris Elba

As history has shown, separate but equal categories is a proven method of achieving social harmony.

The snacks cost more than the movie damn near.  Unlimited snacks would put them under even faster

But seriously. Popcorn is like 99.5% profit, and so is soda. They’d lose very little. 

The 3 movies for $9.95 plan has just been cancelled. Now, subscribers are told which shifts that kind of cool guy from high school who’s an usher now and will let you in without a ticket sometimes works. 

Let’s not forget the best part: you can’t see which movies it’ll be available for until you’re actually at the theater. Good luck planning your day.

Know what they should do? They should call it Popcornpass and charge 10 bucks a month for unlimited snacks with the purchase of a ticket.

I don’t know that this is any different than the dozens of TV shows that put ISIS in their plots, or if it would have changed anything if the developers had used a made-up ISIS clone organization. If anything, it matters that the developer is using ISIS specifically for political commentary and not just as decoration

I don’t know, I think the main issue is that the reverse scenario hasn’t really been explored. I can’t really think of a female secret agent story off the top of my head, where I can rattle off a half dozen male secret agents that meet this criteria.

It also rather obviously misses the fact that this - minus the shirtlessness - cleaves very closely to the precise tactics that ISIS takes when recruiting young and impressionable women into the organization.

There is an interesting (read: bad) gender dynamic with the idea of sleeping-with-the-enemy. If some spy-hero-dude sleeps with a sexualized villainous woman, its just what he has to do *wink wink*. But I imagine reversing the genders of these sorts of interactions is going to cause some people some discomfort (which