
To assume those polls mean anything right now is buffoonery. Of course nobody is terribly excited about Biden, but when the GE rolls around and Trump puts his face into second gear, he will start hemorrhaging support because people who vote don’t pay attention to anything before like, the summer before the election.

It’s so odd to me that the Party that favors leaving things to the States needs the government to ban things. So odd.

I didn’t watch the debate, so I’m only going by the quote above from DeSantis when I say it sure seems like he just yesterday learned the word referenda.

If you still believe in the mythological “2023 moderate Republican” then I’d maybe be careful throwing around words like “clownishly.” 

I’m constantly amazed by that quote and his subsequent actions He saw the train coming down the tracks and intentionally walked in front of it. And doesn’t seem to regret a second of getting splattered all over the road.

We had someone running for school board who had spent the past year or so calling all the teachers in the district groomers because the book Gender Queer was available in the library. Last week it came out that he had impregnated a 15 year old when he was 20 or 21. And he still almost won his election.

It’ll be fun watching him fall on his face on the national stage in the lead up to 2028.

It’s fun watching them try to square this circle. They can’t talk about abortion anymore. The one thing they always had in their pocket as a sure fire way to motivate their base is gone. And they are only now discovering just how deeply unpopular these policies are because they never had to worry before Roe V Wade

(Virginia voter here)

Abortion is popular. Period. Will this give Democrats the courage to actually say the word “abortion” without euphemisms ? Democrats need to be bolder and say what they mean. The media has Dems convinced that if they state their policies clearly, they would lose. Meanwhile, the populace wants more pro-labor, more

Will they learn from this, the 300th lesson?  Somehow, I highly doubt it ... which is fine with me because it means the GOP will just continue to lose any races which are truly competitive and not gerrymandered to hell  and back.

Defeat a Republican and preserve liberty and democracy.

“Because Thomas Jefferson probably smacked Martha across the face once in a while when she got smart, domestic abuse is a deeply ingrained part of American culture just like the right to own a gun.” - Justice Thomas, probably

They no longer believe that they are there to serve the people. They are kings (in their own minds), dispensing wise words from high on their mountain, content to set the plebes scurrying while suffering none of the consequences of their decisions thanks to their rich benefactors.

The Founding Fathers never addressed space travel, nuclear weapons or cars, yet the federal government has zero program regulating all those things.

From this information I think we can safely discern that Harlan Crow is in favor of letting abusers have their guns.

Dude if the founding fathers had their way a Catholic and a black man would *not* be in any position of power at all 

You’d think blue lives matter would be upset with this considering domestic violence related shootings are one of the main ways cops get shot... though of course plenty of them are abusers themselves

Alito, Thomas and the rest of the feudal Justices should die of consumption or cholera just as the forefathers intended.

February 2020 after a 2019 incident in which he dragged her by her hair into his car in front of their child. Then he shot at 5 people in different incidents.”