“...good vehicle?”
“...good vehicle?”
The Crossfire Forum is phenomenal. STEEP learning curve with those cars though!
That thing definitely took some serious patience.
I like the cut of your jib, my man! 1000X agreed.
What’s wrong with fixing up cheap old cars with a few beers and some buddies in the garage over a weekend? I’m surprised more here don’t take your above stance.
Those rusted hood pins are the JAM.
I share that view, and thanks for the post! I just bought a junkyard head for it for $60 last week and I’m beginning the head job next week.
“Keep the cavalier would have been my judgement as it’s the only working car in this lot...”
Thanks For Science! Very kind of you to say.
I was mostly referring to trim items and such. I’ve been looking for a black, non-cracked A & C-pillar trims for months now.
Thoughtful insight - thank you Quentin!
It certainly is a triple-blue. If you research the Limited trim for the ‘01-’03 model years, you’ll see it. It’s a super dark blue interior, but it’s blue.
Excellent analysis - thanks! I totally agree on the LeBaron, Jag and Stealth takes.
Isn’t this car culture site and not a life coaching session?
I wasn’t expecting to get this much life coaching and animosity from a car culture site. I thought we all like fixing up cheap old cars?!
I wasn’t expecting to get this much life coaching and animosity from a car culture site. I thought we all like fixing up cheap old cars?!
Is buying a car for $200-$400 and putting a few weekends and a few hundred dollars into making it a running, reliable car “not worth it” for everyone? The article states that the Stratus went to Upstate NY after getting fixed and the green Sebring went to Quebec - both from NC.
Thanks, Duke of Kent. I appreciated the thoughtful and measured review!
Maybe that’s all he can afford. One man’s trash is another’s treasure.
I don’t think I’ll get there either, but any running car for under $1k is fun. especially to the car culture community. Or so I thought. Thanks for the above thought.