
It’s already a known fact that the medical profession will rate a black persons pain lower than a White patient’s. Tbh, I never thought to consider to apply it to mental health treatment. Just glad Dad was able to catch it on video.

Exactly we’re waiting to see if you are going to do something crazy, which you normally do.

“I clutch my purse every time a white man is walking toward me.”

I distinctly remember going to Bob Evans in West Virginia and being an anxiety riddled mess because there were no black people, and even though it was probably the paranoia, I definitely felt like they were all eye-balling me.

I clutch my purse every time a white man is walking toward me. I step far away from them when in line. If they move their arms near me, I flinch in a very showy way. And they always give me this strange look. I do EVERYTHING that I’ve seen white women do to black men.

Wait, so y’all AREN’T calling the police on white people?? Shiiit, there is too much heroine and just general white shenanigans for me not to call the cops on them. And you better believe when I call I enunciate /(h)wīt/ loud and clear in my most highfalutin white girl voice.

You know what black people have been so beaten over thier head with race so much that sometimes we ourselves forget our own humanity hence there is this perversion to take negative human behavior and human pathologies that can apply to ALL humans and somehow incorrectly correlate them as some unique feature of

What racist bullshit you have been brainwashed to believe. YOU are the best example of a SLAVE MENTALITY if ever there was one.

The fact that JerricaTrans assumes the killer was black speaks for itself.

Also, this is why black people - as a GROUP - seem to have a hard time getting ahead. Once one person finds success in any way shape or form, another one (or several) try their best to take them down a peg (or several), instead of taking inspiration or emulation.

Um the article did not state that the murderer was another black person unless you know something the rest of us don’t know?...And FYI there is not a race on this planet that dose not rob steal and killed from each other facts! I’m sure this young lady was a motivator and uplifted people yes these people exist in our

Try reiterating what you wrote in your head; if you don’t question it once, you might be a racist.

There is no indication that the man who shot her was black, in fact since we are talking about Florida I’m willing to bet the guy was white and mad at an “inferior” making more money than him. Because no one enjoys taking blacks and trys to take down a peg or two more than white people. Except maybe poor white

I think it’s only the teachers who are wearing the shirts, and that it’s voluntary for them.


It’s always been bad here. The PNW is white supremacist hate group land and has been for decades. Seattle was built on institutionalized racism, segregation, and redlining. It’s getting materially worse here, too, due to Amazon deciding to headquarter here and the resultant huge influx of tech money and fuckshit

I will never cease to be impressed by the amount of racist white people who truly seem to believe that Martin Luthor King Jr., were he still alive, would be on their side.

Liberals....just better at double talk than Conservatives.

I hope this doesn’t derail your point and please forgive me if it does, but on the plus side, I’m 100 percent convinced that I’d still be totally ignorant if it wasn’t for this technology. You guys really are doing the Lord’s work here and I’m grateful for it.

The whole world is getting more racist. There is no “better” way to profit and assimilate than to adhere to anti-blackness. People always forget the power of media. Couple that with the ease and ubiquity of technology, and confirmation bias can not die.

At the end of the day, all white people only care about themselves and those that look like them/their kids/their loved ones. It is impossible for them to ever truly understand racism and anti-blackness, because they will never experience it.