
Awesome. When Al was in Knoxville, he mentioned on stage that he and Emo Phillips knocked around on an off day and went to Pigeon Forge. Now, that might have been a joke because the idea is funny, but if it happened, I’d love to talk to Al about wandering around Pigeon Forge - in a way, it seems like the perfect place

I thought it was Chopper, too and got all excited but most everyone else said that’s the R5 unit so I went to Wookiepedia to get a good visual of both and then went back and paused the trailer. The droid in the trailer has smaller buttons or knobs underneath its eyes, that chopper doesn’t have and that R5 units do.

I need a Kino Loy Black Series figure like right now

I was hoping he’d jump and Andor could help him ... but that was a long freaking swim. I don’t think we see him again. “Play it how you want, but I’m gonna assume I’m already dead.”

But it also might not have been? 

This was fantastic Star Wars

They’re not kidding about the whole flashy thing. The recap part was visually painful.

One character = every single character

That’s a grabber, for sure. 

I read that as Echo and The Bunnymen and really thought Marvel dodged a bullet. Sure the soundtrack would have been interesting, but I don’t think any of those guys would make a believable Moon Knight

Obi Wan once thought as you did ... another place where Lucas’ vision for the prequels just didn’t align with the original movies. I always thought Anakin should have ruled beside Palpatine for years, decades even, while Obi Wan and Padme planned a “rescue” mission, briefly winning him away from the Dark side only to

Solo was good

Poe? Dead as he should have been in the first one.

John Winger: Agent of Shield

Jesus. This looks better than it has any right to be

Solo was pretty good Star Wars and I would gladly watch more whether via a TV show format or a movie

I’m ready to Clark Gregg to come back at meet the Thor again.

I think they missed their best chance in End Game with a post credits scene. The scene comes up with Strange stepping through the last portal having returned everyone to their homes. As the portal closes, you see Wolverine and Deadpool sprinting around the ruins of Avengers Headquarters. They both pull up, Jackman

I thought she was indicating she was made in the same batch just without the rapid aging, making her more their sister than even before. 

They’re saying Episode 1 ended in Oklahoma where the wind goes whipping down the plains.  Episode 2 ended in Alabama where the Tide rolls.