
Yeah. She’s the only one who can save the day. 

What is this comment? Is this funny? Is it trolling? Is it edgy? I don’t get why you’d fucking bother posting this. 

I know the Star Wars discourse is challenging to navigate but I was so frustrated with the commentary on this. “No one wants more Disney Star Wars!” You’re telling me an immersive 3D ride through the Eye from Andor or dancing among the space whales won’t be popular? You’re telling me the crowd won’t lose it when Grogu

As much as I love Indy I was kind of blah on a lot of the figures ... the sculpt just isn’t good enough. And then I got to the Grail Knight and now I may have to get them all.

But Filoni created her, oversaw every step of her development... shouldn’t he know above anyone else her mindset moving forward? She died at the hand of Vader and was in essence resurrected by Ezra into the World between Worlds. I would think all of that might be enough to bring that internal conflict back to the roe.

Based on your questions, I don’t think you’d enjoy it

It’s overly hated on at this point but it’s not good. There are a couple of good moments. I feel like there were a handful of choices - if made differently - they could have had a good Indiana Jones movie. But if it’s on at certain spots, I’ll stop and watch. 

Huge mistake? The Galaxy’s Edge portion of the park has been wildly successful.

What is a hot mic catches James Cameron making a homophobic slur on the set of Avatar 3?”

Huh. On my first day of J-school they told us not to use the Oxford comma. They also taught us - maybe not on the first day - not to repeat a racial slur unless necessary for context. It’s interesting that you avoided using a specific example of a homophobic slur but were completely comfortable dropping a racial slur

Calling someone ignorant then messing up the straw/camel’s back metaphor so badly that you call yourself a snowflake on the way out the door is just a*Chef’s kiss* level use of the internet.

All of that rant to recommend “moving” as the replacement? Fuckin’ hell. 

Goosebumps. I hope it’s as good as the trailer

But could probably count Cere and Merrin as force users so maybe it’s a wash

I wouldn’t count Grogu (who was kind of trained but also likely in captivity in a baby-like state) nor Leia - since the Force didn’t awaken (sorry) in her until Jedi. And it sounds like they’re sitting up a shangra-la place for Kestis to retire to where the “empire can’t find him,” allowing him to be plausibly out for

He picked it up when he was gathering his things post soup

Remember that Minion that floated off into space... 

I posted a version of this on the Gizmodo page and I may go do it on the i09 post as well so apologies if you’ve read some of this already:

It’s not about safety, at least not on this ride. Disney routinely - and Universal actually does occasionally -  accommodates larger people in rides with far more safety risk than this little go kart ride. On big roller coasters, sure it’s about safety. But on this thing? Not really. And I don’t think it’s being

I’ll start this by saying I’m huge. HUGE. I have no illusions about it. The problem is, many of Universal’s rides come with the same disclaimer. Some I could ride easily, some I could ride in a tight fit and some I couldn’t come close to riding. And unless the ride had a test seat, I had no way of knowing which of the