Jonathan Frakes Fanboy Reborn!

Isn’t there a semi famous anecdote that when he and Gene Hackman were roommates Hoffman would tell girls that he was an artist and Hackman would come home to find him painting a picture of a nude girl? When I first heard the story it sounded like normal shenigans. Now it makes you wonder...


I thought this was going about the mildly pleasant Patrick Wilson. I’m glad it wasn’t.

I remember when he was on the nerdist and he was about to go into his ideas for Trek and Hardwicke overrode him. To be fair I don’t think he heard him. I don’t subscribe to the Hardwicke hate but I was frustrated.

I like the skating line but there is no accounting for taste

Do you hear what I hear was is not secular. However it is an outlier and for the most part you are right.

I hate that Mariah Carey version. She tremendously overrated.

Do you hear what I hear was written in the 60s

Antisemite is a new one to me. I would not go so far as mysogneyn either. He was racist, but we must consider the year he was born and the society he was raised in. I suspect he would have reveled in the charge of classist Tory. It is worth noting that he helped found the welfare state as a cabinet member before the

Winston Churchill saved the world from a Nazi triumph. Those Indian famine events are the unfortunate byproduct of a world war.

There are some moments like this in 1940 however. Churchill would visit bombed areas and the people would spontaneously show support and patriotism. These are well documented. I think our cynical and jaded epoch has difficulty with a year like 1940, where the actual reality of the drama of situation rivals anything

The Godfather is the king of this category. A fine book but that oh that movie...

LOTR movies better than the book? Absurd. The Return of the King in particular gets a lot wrong.

Considering that the shooter broke laws to obtain his gun it’s not that laughable a proposition.

Yes but it certainly makes it more difficult to enjoy, say, LA Confidential or The Usual Suspects. A film a more reliant on how we process the performers on screen than other works of art

That role didn’t really launch his career.

Obviously these allegations are reprehensible if true. But on a more personal and selfish level I mourn the lost entertainment. Much like Cosby’s outstanding stand up, I won’t be able to enjoy classics like LA Confidential or The Usual Suspects like I used to.

Didn’t Seagal want to do an SNL skit about a psychologist wanting to fuck his patient when he was the host?

Would love to see that!

Got to disagree with your opinion on it. I think it holds up well.