Jonathan Frakes Fanboy Reborn!

The Thing is more revered, and rightly so. But the 1951 version is a gem.

King has always sprinkled things like this in. In Pet Semetary one of the characters drives by a sign pointing to the town of Jerusalem’s Lot. Fun stuff.

Thank you for this feature. Also to comment on this article, who was it that said “Civilization is an agreement to ignore the abyss?”

People don’t change.

Your interpretation is flawed.

I can’t believe he’s gone. Cliche but true. Another cliche: Being middle aged and beginning to grasp that not only will your heroes die, but so will you.

I really don’t think that Mon Mothma strategy is well thought out...


What should Eisenhower have done during the Hungrian revolt? Seems like it would have been a good way to set off WW3

But Eisenhower later said it was one of the big mistakes of his president.

Churchill had that great quote about it something to the efffect of I wouldn’t have dared it but if I had dared it I wouldn’t have dared stop.

I think it was Edens baby.

The world war and the bad harvest caused the famine. Also the gas refered no non lethal crowd control gas. Get your facts straight.

Churchill was out of power for that. Anthony Eden was PM

Churchill saved civilization. Without him the world would be a much darker and tortured place.

Churchill saved civilization when it tottered on the brink of collapse. Without him the world would be much darker and tortured than it already is.

Too late. Seppuku is scheduled for this afternoon.

I picked this up novel the other day and I didnt make it five pages. (And I’m a right of center guy who enjoys a good yarn.) It just strained credibility beyond belief. Does it get better? Should I press on?

I am really enjoying this. Keep up with these entries please!

The thing about nuclear war is that the imagination cannot fathom the reality. The Day After may be overwrought, and I will concede the point, but as the film itself stated a real exchange between two nuclear powers would be far worse.