Jonathan Frakes Fanboy

I hesitate to jump in, but why should government care about what adults drink? If it harms no one else?

" nor did the frustrating inability of the social justice movement to pick its battles—or its enemies."
This is a great way to express a big and unsolved problem.

Uggghhh. Why why why just not have a series set after the end of voyager????

Thanks. That's intersting. Of course there are moral factors at play…

Curious. You say that we know have learned a lot more about the antebellum south in the last decade. Why is that? Did some previously unknown sources come out?

Yes but undoubtedly some kind of apartheid and Jim Crow carries on

Disagree. No Hitler. No war. Just an opinion from a WW2 nerd.

Yeah but the nature of those tyrannies were such that they would have kept advancing I think. Didn't Admiral Raeder harbor some grand schemes?

Thank you. So I guess it's not exploitative?

I don't think there was the will or stomach for it-and I think you would have had guerilla fighting for decades.

I didn't know that! Great author! Great book!

One thing about it is, unlike the Axis, I don't think it's at all plausible that the South came close to winning the war to imagine it happening.

Churchill wrote an alternative fiction about Lee winning the battle of Gettysburg, occupying D.C. and then freeing the slaves to compel peace. Fanciful stuff.

Anyone ever read Forth the Jubiliee? (I think that's the title.) I never have.

That's a good point! Love that book, but I never thought of those ghouls as Romero zombies. Too intelligent

That's a good point! Love that book, but I never thought of those ghouls as Romero zombies. Too intelligent

Who invented "the dead cause the collapse of society?" Was it Night? Because to me Night doesnt have a full end of the world feel, although maybe its coming. But Night seemed to imply that the police, army and militias (to be generous) would get things back under control. Was Dawn of the Dead the first to give it true

How…how do we know his penis was named Jerry? Or are you calling me Jerry?

Lee seemed to sincerely try to help reunite the nation after the war.

Whose the worst of the 20th? Got to be Hoover, with Nixon edging out Carter for number 2 right?