Jonathan Frakes Fanboy

I love all these posts. Before the dark time

Yep. Panicking Newsmen.I thought fear the walking dead might be more like that but alas

Yes and this is one thing I want to see more of in a zombie project. It always seems like we rush right through the interesting parts. I'd love a whitehouse drama set during a zombie outbreak

Blasphemy. I love that cut.

They are the king of non icky reptiles.

Good point. During the war Churchill was on a trip and the crew of the ship he was traveling on caught a turtle for dinner. He ordered the beast freed-he was sentimental about animals.

Pass for winning the war.

Yeah it's not that hard really

Good call on Caine Mutiny

Master and Commander
Wrath of Khan
Empire Strikes Back

1970s country music.

And what history have I been ignorant of? I do happen to have a Bachelors in the subject.

What fact have I stated that you have a problem with?

I find it's better to be civil in life, so I won't return your insult. "A soft answer turneth away wrath."

I apologize your views are not shared by 100% of the citizenry

For some. I don't think it's universally American. Symbols of white oppression should go. Monuments to the dead should not. I think the rub is sometimes they are both? Move them, quickly and let's move on.

I'm sure the majority are and those should go. I highly doubt that they all are. There shouldn't be anything wrong with honest query before any actions are taken:

For some people community and land and memory are important. Despite how nasty or complicated it is. Human nature. Sometimes you can get more done with quiet persuasion than militancy.

Well they should be moved or destroyed if repugnant enough. I do however think that there are some put up solely to honor the dead, and we shouldn't be carried away. Do we sometimes give symbols more power than they deserve?

Surely some provision has to be made to time, place, level of education, cultural factors, etc. There are risks to boiling everything down to such a simplistic level.