
is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because

She really could have used a pile of guns to cushion her fall.

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.

Tony has no room to talk after all the slurs he’s directed at police officers.

Other teams that will wear white include the Browns

All I can say is thank CHRIST they penalized that one guy for jumping up and down after his team scored a touchdown. We need to keep that sort of behavior in check.

Agreed. I rank that statement as the second worst issue with this situation:

+1 Phantastic

Cheers, Mike!

Neither is Carson Wentz, but Doug Pederson isn’t letting that stop him!

Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

Just shut up and enjoy this story, and whatever you do, don’t click on the Florida State Seminoles tag at the top of the post.

If you’re the type of person who plays Bucs vs. Broncos in Philadelphia, maybe the game isn’t the only thing with a glitch.

This doesn’t sound like CTE symptoms. More like early adult onset schizophrenia.

And here I thought that only the rowing teams spent their time flipping shit in Brazil.

I think Torrey Smith’s baby is the current champ.

The No. 2 won the Money In The Bank ladder match. Therefore guaranteeing himself a shot against No. 1 whenever he wants. Pretty common knowledge, if you ask me.

I think we should be more worried about this 4th swimmer who is attempting to swim all the way home

Moved to downtown Indianapolis from Chicago. First day I was hounded to go to California fucking Pizza Kitchen for its uh-mazing pizza cuisine. I’m no Chicago pizza snob, but good god, it took me one week to judge your fucking city.

Dear Chase, I feel like I can call you Chase because you and me are so alike. I’d like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can’t throw as fast as you but I think you’d be impressed with my speed. I love your hair, you run fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither.