
penn state gets extra points for decades of self-righteous goddamned sanctimony.

For the amount of money McGregor is likely paying him he should’ve kept his mouth shut and just kept cashing those check. You’re a sparring partner on McGregor’s payroll. Did you think you were you going to beat his ass and get credit for it?

THANK YOU. The misuse of “I” in these situations is shockingly widespread.

What a joke... In an effort to protect women from sexual assault, oftentimes Title IX denies that they have any agency over their own decisions/actions. “Oh, he didn’t assault you? You’re just scared of him. We’ll kick him out of school just to be safe.”

Please Don’t pander to me, seriously. It’s insulting to me and every reader here who knows better You tried to put one over on us twice and you’re still doing it, still brutalizing the English language to leave “from Russia” in there when it has no fucking business being in there.

It comes from a very simple rule: if your comfort comes at the cost of someone else’s, then you’re an asshole. Much like if you call a random stranger a fuckface for no good reason, you’re an asshole.

Preach on, brother. Recliner 4 LIFE

Where does this shit come from? Is it a totally made-up Deadspin commenters rule, like the idea that you’re supposed to give a caught foul ball to a nearby kid? (I have two kids. If you catch a foul ball and you’re near me, keep it.) Probably 70 percent of the time when I’m flying, the person in front of me reclines

Yeah. I was expecting some semi-scandalous story about used plains. Instead it’s an article about two brand new airframes from cancelled orders that never left the US.

It’s completely misleading to call these “old Jets from Russia.” Misleading to the point of objective dishonesty.

I fly 40 weeks a year for work. If you’re in economy plus, feel free to recline. If you’re in economy, be ready for Thunderdome if you recline that seat asshole.

Sorry Drew but “Mississippi Ethics Commission” was easily the funniest thing I read on deadspin today

Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are like 6 hours by car apart, they aren’t close together at all. But Cleveland is like 90 miles away, if that. That is actually a good example of a proximity division rival. The Eagles have the Giants, NJ is right next to Philly.

It’s cute that you think it’ll be fingers.

Thanks for proving my theory that the type of person who would recline their airline seat and the type of person who would call a perfect stranger a fuckface for no reason are the same person.

Get over yourself with the seat reclining, fuck face. It’s a feature of the seat. Don’t like it? Fly first class.

flights of fancy, i do believe.

I can’t fall asleep on planes because i know as soon as i do, someone’s gonna stick their fingers in my mouth.

4. Nancy Kerrigan. Just seven weeks after getting kneecapped by Tonya Harding’s goons, Kerrigan went out and skated her off in Norway on one knee, only to get a silver medal for it. Silver! FUCK YOU, JUDGES. I didn’t see Oksana Baiul skating out there with half her LCL missing. NANCY WAS ROBBED. I want medals for her