
Why are liberals ok with war when a liberal conducts it? Do you want Obama to stand trial too? He wasn’t dropping flowers on Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, etc with his flying killer robots.

Aren’t snarky and/or funny comments the reason people go to Deadspin?

and Emma

You and the 15 idiots who starred your post are the problem. Unions aren’t perfect, but they’re far fucking better than the alternative.

Compared to them, US fans are tame. Until LBJ gets hit with bananas at a Warriors game or 50,000 Yankees fans make monkey sounds when Big Papi steps up to the plate or entire stadiums erupt in an orgy of violence....were church mice.

With one hand? Lol...ok

Then they could have given her a different character. Putting Dornes story into a blender for one actress makes no sense. She was far better in Rome than GoT.

He’s Azor Ahai and she’s Nissa Nissa.

Nothing but head canon.

Yes!!! Bronn should have died, and one Tarly.

They were brothers. Doran was Prince while Oberyn was alive. His paramour killed his brother and nephew to avenge him. That’s how fucking stupid the Dorne plot is. Then the people and every noble in Dorne follow a bastard with no Martell blood. (As others said)

The problem is the producers have some sort of hardo on for Cersei and that’s why she’s lasting so long.

No. IN the books Littlefinger is scheming to get her married to Harry the Heir, because little Robin is going to die soon from his seizures. When she does, she’ll be in a position to bring the Vale into the war.

No he didn’t.

That’s because the producers wanted to shoehorn the actress that played her into more screen time.

Damn. You’ve hit every point of contention I have! I thought I was the only one who hated Missandei and Grey Worm.

Oberyn did.

quiet and their

What has ever been good for poor black people in the US?

Love my TCU alums, go frogs!