
I live in the northeast and 2/3 of TSA people in the tri-state area are black. I wonder how true that is nationwide.

Oklahoma is in the B12.

Shut up pussy I’ll beat your ass.

We need to become a Stalinst nation. Those nations never have anything.

Yawn. Boring stereotypes.

Are these actual Italians or guys from Long Island?

Yeah, I’m sure all two conservatives here appreciated that.

Id say it’s more religion. He’s a Christian, and it’s OK to hate on them. Hence the article.

This hatred of Tebow for no reason is pathetic, just because he’s a WASP. He’s not a serial woman beater, sexual predator, drug addict, thief, or cheat.

6 Innings and the Arabs will give up.

Is there something wrong with being gay? Homophobe.

Jesus Christ. We survived Andrew Johnson, we will survive Trump. You people sound like the red necks in 08 who said Obama was bringing in Communism.

Disappointing. You failed to mention how Putin sent Russian troops amongst those hooligans to beat the hell out of the Brits. A clever bit of asymmetrical warfare.

I’m still mad that it’s not pork roll for Jersey!

Sounds very close minded and bigoted to me.

This is a great video. It would be nice if you covered wrestling from a point other than the ridiculous.

How do you guys feel about Woody Allen? He’s a darling of the left despite being a pedo.

Good thing no US troops died under Obama. And I’m sure he never recognized a single gold star family.

“Thank you for understanding this concept”

It’ll take a death. Baylor football player murders co-ed, or a girl commits suicide after being raped. Then the parents go to the media. That I think would finally force the NCAA to act.