
Thank God that those Baylor players didn’t bet on who could get the most rapes. The NCAA would have had to punish them then. 

West Indies is not a nation.

Why not bite down?

Is that his wife to his right?

That’s because they hate anything with testicles. Even puppies.

I agree we need to rage against the Gorl Scouts. They embody all that is wrong with this country.

Am I the only one who liked Driving Miss Daisy?

Sad that there were literally 50 people there to see that.

Remember that time you guys posted all those nudes of her that were stolen? Me too....good times.

That’s Metallica bruh!

Lol a born again Christian here? Are you a gluten for punishment?

Shorten the game to 7 innings. Done.

Depends on how hot they are.

Kill, marry, fuck.

Of course he’s a Pinko Commie. Welcome to Deadspin.

It’s a myth from the left that all women hate Trump. Election results showed white women voting for Trump more than HRC. Conservatives breed too, just like the rest of us.

Nothing has dawned on them. Wake up. They’re silently supporting Trump just as they did pre-election. Remember all those polls and great articles here about Hillary’s historic victory? Same people still in the country, they’re just laying low.

You can’t be racist to white guys bruh.

He should have raped instead of being too dumb to pass classes. He would have had plenty of fall back options.

You do realize you sound like the folks in 2008 who said we were becoming a socialist nation because a black guy they didn’t like won, right?