
The people who get overly upset at obscenely trivial items are what is undermining what people with actual PTSD are suffering, and they are the inspiration of the “#triggered” meme.

What I’m reading is that the Dev thinks that some people would consider parts of the game sexist and so felt it appropriate to put the warning label there; even if he personally doesn’t think there is sexism in the game.

its not hard to follow, he feels there is no actual sexism, but since it has attractive women in it, it could trigger some who have low threshold on it(some would say, kotaku) so its warning if you have a hair trigger. i have no opinion since I am unlikely to ever play it, but thats just what i get from it.

If you think the basilisks are rarely falling, you haven’t spent much time in the hollow tree area...

Those aren’t its eyes :D If you squint real hard around its mouth you’ll see them.

Not to be a grumpy gus, but is nobody else bothered that this doctor is posting some girl’s medical information on fucking Twitter? Is that even legal? That would piss me right off, and I’m a 40-year-old man who doesn’t really give a shit. If I were 17, I think I would be really upset by this.

Don’t be afraid; just ignore him. The worst thing you can do to a person like this is give them attention because it justifies their actions.

Hopefully more social media starts don’t figure out just out just how much we thrive on outrage.

I believe they get paid for it as part of a marketing campaign.

Re: Selfie Kid

It seems like a desperate compromise between racist America and hipster America.

No matter what he did, this was always going to be the take. He couldn’t win here. He came out and did what he always does. There was just so much “But Janet Jackson...” happening (and it’s questionable exactly how much that SB performance hurt her career. I think she’s doing just fine). We can have a legitimate

We never did get our one testicle.

Something that can’t get lost in the discussion of this ho-hum performance is just how bad the wardrobe choices were. Timberlake looks so good in a (regular, non-camo) suit - why would you do this to him?!? Why would you do this to all of us??? The color pallet with the back-up dancers didn’t help anything, either.

I loved that game!

Sounds like military base brats were real aceholes. Or maybe just kids in general were (are?)

Correction: “Aboat that”

It appears so. This guy apparently had no concern or limitations, just abused his position every damned time he could, for what? 20 years, 30 years? Did the abuse start after he became a doctor? Even something as simple as having a second person in the room during examinations could have prevented some of his abuse.