Maybe on a swimming pool with someone on duty to keep watch to make sure the tent owner doesn’t drown?
Maybe on a swimming pool with someone on duty to keep watch to make sure the tent owner doesn’t drown?
stool kid wants to use the stool
Seen plenty of monsters/aliens like this in the game. Maybe if you played the game instead of harping on about how it was two years ago, you would have found them yourself.
She built her image around being an aggressively sexual, party-girl. It’s sad that this happened, but also very on brand for her. It’s a little odd to me that she’s sometimes championed as a progressive or even feminist figure when her work seems at best banal and at worst, fairly exploitative. But I’m just musing and…
So glad I dont pay for Xbox live. Don’t need to worry about even trying this out to be annoyed.
I’ve been wondering... is there any reliable way to measure concurrent players of RDO vs. say, GTA Online? I feel like no one is playing Red Dead Online, but maybe it’s just my circle.
When I saw there were no new co-op missions with this update, I passed. I want more to DO - I don’t give the tiniest shit about emotes.
mmmmmhhhhhhh I really don’t believe the line about “we accidentally made pelts worth as much as carcasses and we have now ‘fixed’ it”
See they say Beta, that’s fine. Then I notice that they’re selling stuff already.
I wish I could understand how missions handle payouts cause I got .34 cents for that “kill them all” mission. I raided a old army fort for all of couch change.
Can you buy the in game currency?
I was happily playing the game, marveling at the setting, attention to detail, and variety of things to do, then I arrived in St. Denis and ground to a halt. I can’t put my finger on exactly why I stopped, but it was as if my hands just said, “Nope, we’re not doing this any more” and simply refused to push any more…
You’re probably burnt out. Game has a solid story with great characters but the gameplay in the main story missions gets old rather fast and you’ll notice the pattern.
Awwwww... I thought it was gonna be like just flipping a switch.
Thank you for straightening that poor lady’s pole.
Yes, but they are not women, so it’s not relevant.
Do you actually suggest that he deliberately portrays women in her games to be frequent victims of abuse simply because he has a deep desire or unconsummated need to abuse women in real life?
It looks like it’s a new computer/fresh install and he’s switching away from the shitty new browser that Microsoft tries to pretend isn’t just IE all over again. The pop-up is trying to prevent him from changing it.
“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.