I couldn't keep my eyes off of that hair!
Oh yeah that was a step back. I remember running a ped over with a bicycle at 15 mph. I thought they would get up but nope... dead.
009 Sound System - Dreamscape
No way...
That guy was the best!
Ships are vanity but the new bikes actually go faster and have more health.
It's at least average or above average length for a triple A game but the problem is that it's so addicting that you will try to beat it in one sitting.
I found this out while soloing the big walker thing. It's a useful feature because otherwise the fight would've been impossible.
I chose Warlock mainly to be different than everybody else. Looks like that backfired.
Da fuck these people are 18 and 19... Adults and they don't know NES?
I got a PS4 at launch and got a free game. It was a buy 2 get one free thing though so I had to front $120. I'm sick of the early adopter shaming... The consoles would be getting no games if it weren't for us lol.
Do you even Zelda?
I have no idea what is going on anymore. Let's just play some video games.
I kinda get this. On the surface the game looks super lame to me and the marketing for it has turned me off at every turn. But I played the beta and it was pretty enjoyable. So I'm getting it. It also helps that people are starved for next gen games right now.
Honestly I want to be done with my PS3 already but it still gets the most use out of all my systems. It might be tied with PC though. PS3 used to have no games but now it has too many.
My gaming roots are pretty much in the Sega Genesis. If Sega got back into the game I would be super excited.
Nice, a Dreamcast article on the day that I bought a Dreamcast.
Yeah I don't share his sense of humor but I have nothing against him. He doesn't seem like a bad person or anything... It has to be really soul raiding to receive such an onslaught of hate everyday. He's like the Justin Bieber of lets players lol.
Wow, that was some sad shit I just read.