
Japan would probably pull off something like this if they had more land to work with.

I think Destiny counts.

I loved the driving physics in Mafia 2. They even had simulation mode!

Do these guys ever get caught? Did derptrolling get caught? I sure hope so but the twitter account still looks active...

Sony and Microsoft need to stop paying for this crap, it's not worth it guys.

Oh come on, she is literally getting offended at fiction. Writers can make up whatever they want. It shouldn't be offensive because it's not real... Violence, conflict, drama, that is what we like in our media, we don't condone it in real life. As for all the cliches, that's just a result of bad lazy writing, not that

And the bundled game is only 9.99. That price is wack!

Jesus fucking christ, these people are cancer.

People have to admit the PS4 is the only console that actually tried to look good. It doesn't even look that awesome but it is a lot better than big box and small rectangle with rounded edges. Although, the One's fat nasty exterior did help them fit in that beefy cooling system. That's a decent payoff.

That sounds like the new game Criterion is working on.

When will the Asians get along? Just seeing characters from another country pisses them off this much? That is insane.

Everything looks great except for the dude's Disney face.

Wow there is even a guy standing smack dab in the middle of the track... How on earth did they not kill that dude? All of the professional sprint car comments make these things sound completely uncontrollable. Tony is done, man. It was either a split second of rage or he was just trying to be macho and get as close as

Probably watching my Dad play Dino Crisis.

Nice a game made in the Pacific Northwest. I'll probably buy this, I'm a sucker for a moody pine tree forest.

I actually kinda like them. Especially the 300 SL. Way less gaudy than Bowser's pink jalopy...

Playing with this guy would be hell. Look at all those one shot kills. Freaking try-hards man!!

Don't sell your game collection! You will regret it, trust me I know...

What is up with Google's rule to always show the worst possible images first when searching for diseases and ailments?