Wallopy Joe


Batman Beyond Batman looks fucking awesome. I want that.

The Tumblers in the photos are the same campo scheme as the one Bruce test drove in Batman Begins. It wasn't until he asked Fox "Does it come in black?" that we got the one in black. So I'm assuming here, and using my best guestimate that these are actually all possibly prototypes that Bane stole from Wayne

r.e the second vid. As far as I can tell he was being a dick to either get a rise out of, or just test the cop he was speaking to. Aside from the fact that there are far, far more polite ways to go about telling people your rights, he could have been far less of a prick, and as you say, just been at least bit

It may not be much, but is there anyone who you can file a proper formal complaint with, without directly having to deal with the scum who failed to do their duty and help you? And if you can, have you?

Armed police officer vs random man on street with gun.

I'm just another Brit voicing an opinion here, but to me there is something wrong with that line and how it relates to now.

They're gonna make it night in post'.

Never gonna happen. Lucas says the newest versions are closest to how he imagined it all when he first made it so thems the versions we get.


You're not hallucinating, that is a picture of Dent. Looking through past pictures I think he rips it up in front of some escapees after breaking them out.

I agree, and I'm hoping when they adapt A Storm of Swords that they find they need at least 2, hopefully 3, seasons to tell the entire story. And that'll help.

She is none of those things you just said. At this point I might even argue your use of woman.


At first I lol'd.

Tony Stark is the star of every show.

My bad. Didn't mean to get so.... animated (or dickish)

Centaur and Scotish Stormtrooper FTW, Which King and Kreo transformers too.

You know, I see your point... Actually, no, that sounds like a huge load of bollocks.